Chapter Three

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Y/N's P.O.V

I stood up from the bed and stretched. I looked around and saw that the beds were still a mess and so was the room. I got to work and made the beds and picked up the clothes off the floor. It took about thirty minutes maybe forty minutes. I stood at the doorway and looked at my work. I sighed and walked out into the main room. 

"Well good morning!" Peter said. 

"Good morning," I responded. I looked around and saw that it was just him. "Where is everyone else?" I asked. 

"They all had an appointment to go to and we figured that one of us needed to stay here to watch you and I drew the short straw," He said. I nodded and sat on the couch across from him. I looked around for the book I brought and after about five minutes of looking, I saw it on a desk. I got up and walked over to it. 

"Egon said that you had a nightmare last night. Care to share?" Peter asked. I opened up the book and looked towards the beginning. Maybe it has a table of contents. No, it's too old for that. 

"Uhm... no," I said sitting at the desk and looking through the book. Peter sat on the desk and looked at me. I put my attention back to the book. The handwriting looked exquisite. As I was flipping through the book, I saw that there was a portion of the book that was journaled entries. I opened the book and turned to that part of the book. I began reading the entries. 

"I still hardly believe that you can read that," Peter said. I sighed and shook my head. It looked like this person was using magic. A witch or warlock? It seemed like they were experimenting with it. Casting different spells and writing down the outcomes. It also seems like they were very meticulous when writing even letting a few personal details slip. One sentence in particular exposed that this seemed like medieval times and that their father was a king. 

"My father has banished all kinds of magic from the kingdom, anyone that is seen conspiring with the devil and taking part in the dark arts shall be punished by death," I read aloud forgetting that Peter was there. I leaned back and sighed for a minute. Could this be the boy I saw in my dream last night? 

"Okay, so that tells us something," Peter said. I rubbed my eyes and went back to the book. "Anything else?" He asked. I kept reading, it looked like they were trying to open a portal to another world to obtain or collect someone? Who? They will be the key to rule the world, they hold a great amount of power that they will have no understanding on how to use it. They can skip through time and space, even dimensions. I think I got lost in the book or something, when looked up, Peter wasn't sitting on the desk anymore and Egon was sitting across from me. "When did you guys get back?" I asked Egon. 

"Twenty minutes ago, Peter says you've been reading for about forty-five minutes," He said. I sat back and sighed. I rubbed my eyes and put my head back so it was leaning over the chair. I closed my eyes and I thought about what I had read, could this person be the reason that I came to this dimension? They caused a rift in dimensions and I got caught in it. Do I tell the guys? They might think that I'm crazy or making this stuff up. No, they wouldn't. They couldn't. After seeing the technology that I came with, they would believe it. 

"So, how goes the reading?" I heard, I opened my eyes and saw Ray standing there. I sighed and put my elbow on the desk and rested my chin on my hand. I closed the book lazily. "Peter said that you read something about magic being banished from a kingdom," He said. I nodded. 

"I swear, I don't understand what I have to do with any of this!" I stood up and exclaimed. "I literally am just a random person who works at a gas station and has shitty parents. A car that doesn't like to work and breaks down in the creepiest places. Why am I the only one who can read the book or gets attacked by ghosts or have weird dreams!?" I started, I was gonna continue but Winston cut me off. 

"Weird dreams?" He asked. I nodded. "When did you start having these?" He asked. 

"In this dimension, last night. In my dimension, since I can remember. They have always been weird and a lot of them were the same," I answered. All eyes were on me. 

"Is that the nightmare you had last night?" Egon asked me. I nodded with a 'yeah'. "We need to know what happened in that dream, in all of those dreams," Egon said. I sighed and plopped down on the couch. They all sat with me and I looked around the room, trying to avoid eye contact. 

"I'll tell you all about my dreams from before, but not the one from last night. I don't feel comfortable nor ready to share that one yet. Okay?" I asked them, to make sure they understood. They all nodded. I nodded in response and decided to recall all my dreams. Mainly since a bunch of them were repeats. "Ever since I was little, I remember having these dreams. I was always running from something, I never looked at it. I was too scared," I stated. 

"Did you ever hear anything?" Peter asked. I closed my eyes and grabbed onto someone's hand. I thought back on the dreams. 

"I heard voices, they were always whispering or trying to say something," I said, I opened my eyes and looked at whose hand I was holding. It was Egon's. I let go. I looked at the guys and sighed. "I can't remember what they were saying, it was always whispering or incoherent babbling," I stated. They nodded. 

"I think there may be a connection between you and the book, the dreams you've had and the fact that you can read the book," Egon said. I sighed and laid back. I pulled my knees up to my chest and wrapped my arms around them. I felt light-headed. I know that I haven't eaten all day. 

"What is there to eat?" I asked them. "I haven't eaten all day and I don't even know what time it is," I said. Peter went over to the kitchen and I heard him rustle around for something. 

"Well, it's one in the afternoon," Ray said. I nodded. "Peter said you slept till ten-thirty and we all left at nine. You were reading that book for quite some time, did you find out anything new?" I sighed and rubbed my temples. I felt a tap on my shoulders and looked to see Peter holding out a box of cheez-its. I took it and started eating them. 

"We need to go grocery shopping," Peter said. I nodded and shoved a few of them in my mouth. I looked at the book and thought about if I should tell them what all I found. I shrugged my shoulders and decided that it was best to. I set the box down and got up and grabbed the book. Then I returned to my spot. Peter also set down a water bottle for a drink for me. 

"Well, from what I read. I think that whoever wrote this was part of a royal family. It seemed like they were trying to open a portal of some kind, like to a different time and place. They were looking for someone with some kind of power that they don't know how to use," I said. I popped a few more cheez-its in my mouth and chewed. I sat back and let that information sink in. 

"Okay, so they want to impede on another time, uh... dimensions," Ray said. 

"Reality" I interjected. They all looked at me, I cleared my throat and continued eating my snacks. They pondered for a moment. 

"Well, either way. We're not gonna let that happen," Peter said. I sighed. 

"So, what's gonna happen to me?" I asked. They all looked at each other and then at me. 

"Well, we can't let her wander around this time period since she came from another," Winston said. I looked around and began to actually feel sad. I let a tear fall down my face and heard thunder rumble. The ground started to shake and to be honest, I didn't care. 

"Hey, hey, hey," Peter and everyone rushed by me. "It's okay, we'll figure something out. You're gonna stay here until we do okay?" He said. I wiped my nose on my sleeve and nodded. The ground stopped rumbling and the rain let up. I leaned into Egon and hugged him. He patted me on the back. 

"Maybe we should get her some clothes for now," I heard a female voice say, I looked up and saw Janine. The guys all nodded. She walked up with a notepad and pencil. "Write down what your sizes are and I'll get you some clothes," She said. I responded with a nod and wrote down my sizes. "I'll get you some clothes, you just get comfy here and stay calm," She told me. I nodded and sat back, pulled my knees to my chest and wrapped my arms around me, and put my head down. I got lost in my thoughts and ended up falling asleep. 

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