Chapter Five

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Y/N's P.O.V

"What did I say about running off?" Peter asked me. I shook my head and stood up from my chair. 

"If you wanna get technical, I didn't run off. I just simply came downstairs because I didn't want to be alone and I wanted to hang out with Janine. I never went anywhere," I stated. I walked past him with my box of cheez-its and patted him on the shoulder. I heard a sigh and footsteps following behind me. I entered the upstairs and saw the guys all sitting at the kitchen table. I walked over and sat down with them. 

"You are sneaky. You know that right?" Winston said. I gave a small laugh. I nodded. 

"Yeah, I know. I have to be sometimes. Especially with the world, I grew up in," I stated. They all gave inquisitive looks. 

"What do you mean 'the world you grew up in?" Ray asked. I sighed and leaned forward. I gave Peter a look over my shoulder and turned back to my box of cheez-its. 

"When kids are in school. The schools have these different drills, fire, tornado, and active shooter. Where they teach kids to either hide in the classrooms, fight for their lives, or run away. Sometimes during the drill, I happened to be in the bathroom and had to sneak out to get to a safe place. I always succeeded," I told them. They all nodded, I popped some more food in my mouth. 

"Well, those skills may come in handy. Y/N, we'd like to run some tests on you," Egon said. I sat back and crossed my arms. 

"Just so you know, I am against this," Winston said. I smiled. 

"Appreciate it. What kind of tests?" I asked. Egon and Ray looked at each other and then back at me. The next thing I knew, I had this weird helmet thing on my head. It looked like a strainer that you use to cook spaghetti in. I looked over to a monitor and saw the outline of my head. It showed my thermal imaging on it as well. "So, what's gonna happen?" I asked. 

"We're gonna ask you some questions and monitor your brain activity," Peter said. I nodded. 

"And what will this tell you?" I asked. 

"We're not sure. We may be able to tell if you have powers or not," Egon said. I nodded and took a drink of the water that I had in my hand. I saw Ray sit down in front of me. Egon had a clipboard and was looking at the monitor. I took a breath and focused on Ray. 

"Okay, let's start with your name," Ray said. 

"Y/N L/N" I spoke. Ray looked at Egon, and he nodded. Ray turned back to me. 

"Okay, close your eyes," Ray told me. I closed my eyes. I saw darkness. "Think about your dreams," He said. I recalled all of them. I felt my body go limp. 

"Y/N, it's Peter. I'm gonna hold your hand, anytime you are in a place you don't like or don't feel comfortable in. You squeeze my hand and we'll pull you out. Okay?" I felt him grab my hand. 

"Okay," I said weakly. I saw the outline of a hallway. I heard Ray speak. 

"What do you see?" He asked. 

"I see a hallway. It's long, and there are candelabrums on the walls. It's old-fashioned," I said. 

"What are you doing now?" Ray asked. 

"I'm grabbing a candle and walking this time, not running," I said. 

Inside mind

I began walking through the hallways. It felt like five minutes before I started seeing things. People. They were dressed in these robes, they didn't look like the ones I saw before. They were different. The area became more clear and there was light. I set the candle down and walked into a massive room. I was approached by three people. 

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