Chapter Eight

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Y/N's P.O.V

The guys stood there, dumbfounded and amazed. I would be, too, if I weren't already used to the abnormality of these situations I manage to get myself in. The trio stood there in the doorway, and everyone was silent. Ray and Egon still had ahold of me since I had just had an episode with getting another power. 

"Come, let's set her down on a chair," Dorthea said. The trio stepped aside, and we walked through the doorway into the living room. Winston pulled up a chair, and I sat down. Venkman walked over and handed me a glass of water which I took and gulped down. The trio looked around this level of the firehouse; it felt like an eternity since anyone talked. Finally, Manuel spoke up. 

"So, from what we've gathered and heard... you gentlemen are aware of the Shandors. Correct?" The way he asked, it did sound more like a statement than a question. I guess the guys understood where they were headed with this conversation. Venkman was the next to speak. 

"How could we forget? Old Ivo built a portal for a Sumerian god to come through and destroy the world in the form of a giant marshmallow, mind you," He said. I giggled a little because that part is always hilarious. It also earned a chuckle from Jacob; Manuel was indifferent about that. However, Dorthea was taking it seriously. Luckily she was next to speak. 

"Was the gods name Gozer?" She asked. The guys nodded. "How did you defeat it?" She inquired. The guys looked at each other, then back at her. Egon spoke. 

"We used our proton packs and crossed the streams into the gate that Gozer came through," He explained. They looked at each other and nodded. Then, the trio walked to one side of the room and huddled together; it looked like they had an intimate conversation. We all waited for them to finish whatever they were talking about. Once they agreed on whatever they were talking about, they walked over to us and began what I assume must've been a long-awaited conversation. 

"We have been monitoring Milo and Y/N... It seems that he's aware of your powers becoming available to you. Which is another thing, your powers will start unlocking on their own so..." Jacob said. I was a bit baffled. 

"So, what power did I just receive?" I asked. They looked at each other and then back at me. Dorthea spoke up. 

"According to our observations, you just received Vision. You will see the magic around you, hear it. You will see if anything magical is happening around you." She said. I nodded in understanding. I fully had my strength back. I stood up and walked around a little bit. I ended up next to Ray who seemed to be lost in thought as well as the other guys. 

"So, what now? I mean, I'm just supposed to wait for my powers to appear. Is it going to hurt as bad as that did?" I asked gesturing to the chair I fell out of. Dorthea and they nodded. I scoffed and became silent. We stood in silence for a moment, but it was a moment too long as the ground began shaking. We all panicked and I grabbed Ray and held on to him. I felt his arms around me. We all stayed like this until it stopped. 

"What was that?!" Winston asked. The trio looked at each other. 

"It's Milo. He knows" Jacob said. I suddenly felt very uneasy. This was a new feeling that I did not like. I realized that I was still holding onto Ray and we quickly pulled apart. My face went a little red and I turned away. 

"We need to start preparing. He will stop at nothing to get what he wants" Manuel spoke. I sighed and sat down. Egon came over and placed his hand on my shoulder. I looked up at him and gave him a reassuring smile. The guys and I sat in silence while the trio conversed with themselves. I was trying to get used to this new power. I saw different auras around everyone. It looked as if they all were glowing but they weren't. It was strongest around Dorthea, Jacob, and Manuel. Obviously. They were from a different plane of existence or timeline. Whatever it's called. 

"How's your head?" Peter asked me. I looked up at him and gave a small smile. 

"Feels better. It's just weird," I spoke. They guys looked at me and waited for an explanation. "Oh! Sorry, I think I'm able to see the magic or the energy in everyone and everything," I spoke. They nodded. 

"Sounds cool," Winston said. I laughed a little. We all sat there for a moment. I broke the silence. 

"So. what's next?" I asked. The trio came back over and Jacon began talking. 

"Well, the first step is to keep you hidden until all your powers come through... " He paused. I didn't like how he looked when he paused. "Then, we can maybe work on taking him down..." He said. I was speechless. 

"Taking him down!? Uh, no. How about getting me home!" I stood up. I was upset. Egon stood up with me and tried to calm me down. 

"Y/N, it's okay. We'll figure it out," Egon spoke. I ran my fingers through my hair. 

"No, it's not okay! I need to get home, I shouldn't even be here. I want to go home, I don't have anyone here that's family! I'm scared and I just wanna go home!" I ranted. I was frightened. 

"This isn't about what you want right now! It's about everyone else!" Dorthea shouted. Everyone looked at her. I became furious and screamed back at her. 

"How about YOU get transported somewhere you've never been, be forced to go through the pain of getting "Powers" and being told you have to fight someone! Huh!? How would you like it!?" I screamed at her. 

"You are being selfish, rude, and arrogant! You need to be thinking about everyone else!" She screamed back. 

'DORTHEA!" Manuel shouted. I stormed out and into room and into the sle,eping quarters and slammed the door. I threw myself face-first into the pillow and screamed. I cried for what felt like hours. Egon came in and I sat up. He wrapped his arms around me in a comforting way, I laid my head on his shoulder and cried. 

"Don't worry kiddo, we'll figure it out," He said. 

"Promise?" I asked. 

"I promise," He replied. 

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