The Storm

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Richard is seen going to the mall to get some things from the grocery store because a big tornado storm was coming in. He reads a list that Nicole wrote for him. He buys baby food, snacks and cold drinks that they can eat during the storm, and some supplies in case the lights go out, or they listen to a radio. He drives back home and sees Nicole playing with Gumball.

Nicole: Oh, hi, honey. Did you get all the stuff we need.

Richard: Yep, you can check in these bags.

Nicole: *checks the bags* Everything's in there. You know Richard, you're a big help sometimes.

Richard: That's so kind of you.

Suddenly the announcer on the radio starts speaking.

Announcer: Attention citizens in Elmore! The tornado watch is going to turn into a tornado warning.

Richard and Nicole are whimpering in fear, Gumball looks at them confusingly. They go into the hall. After he said that, the radio scratches, and then all sorts of noises are heard.

Richard: Let's pray that we don't lose our house.

Gumball starts crying from the loud noises, and they try to make him less scared.

Richard: It's okay, buddy. It's going to go away eventually.

Nicole: Wait, how about I quickly go to our room, and give him my headphones?

Richard: Sounds like a good idea to calm him down, and be careful.

Nicole: Okay.

She quickly runs to their room and looks for her purple headphones. She finds them, quickly runs upstairs, and put them on Gumball's ears. At first, Gumball didn't really like them because they were big and he didn't like purple. But he got used to them eventually and calmed him down. Richard turns on his flashlight and gets the snacks and drinks. They open their food and drinks and start eating.

Richard: So in case we don't make it, I have something to get something off my chest. One time, I left your parents a bad note and that's why you got grounded for a week.

Nicole: So that explains why they assumed it was me. Normally I would've been furious with you, but that was 12 years ago.

Richard: I'm sorry. I was just angry with you and your parents, that I wanted to get revenge.

Nicole: It's okay. One time, I used your back scratcher to get a dog's blood stains off my foot.

Richard: Ewww. You mean I've been putting someone else's blood on my own body.

Nicole: I'm sorry. I know that it's disgusting and you can get any types of diseases.

Richard: It's okay. I forgive you.

All three of them huddle around each other and did it in case it hits their house. But then the radio is back on.

Announcer: Okay so the tornado is about to end in a couple of minutes, but still be aware.

Richard and Nicole exhale in relief and Nicole takes her headphones off of Gumball's ears.

Nicole: Sorry for giving you a color you don't really like. How about blue?

Gumball: *confused expression*

Nicole: Oh right, you don't know what blue is.

She then points to something blue, and Gumball does a cute smile which means "yes".

Nicole: So next time, blue it is.

Richard: Hey, it's now cleared up. Wanna check outside.

Nicole: Sure.

She picks up Gumball and takes him outside. They look outside, and see a couple of twigs and a water wand on top. They shrug it off because nothing bad really happened to their house.

Nicole: Now let's get you inside and give you some food, Gumball.

They go inside and feed Gumball the baby food.

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