The House

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A few days after Gumball's birth...

Richard is shown carrying one last luggage into the car. He puts it in the car in force and slams the trunk.

Richard: Are you ready to go Nicole?

Nicole: Yep.

She puts Gumball in the backseat straps and buckles his car seat and they hit the road. Now they finally reached their house. Mr Robinson notices his new neighbors have arrived. Gumball starts looking around at places then saw Mr Robinson. He waves at him cutely, Mr Robinson looks like he was going to wave back but closed the blinds instead, which makes Gumball frown a little.

Nicole: Okay, just a few more boxes and then were done.

She looks back at Gumball who was pouting.

Nicole: Anything wrong, sweetie?

Gumball looks at the window that he waved at. Nicole looks at the window and gets what he is saying.

Nicole: The neighbor? Don't worry about him, he's just a grump that doesn't really like people. *baby voice* But there's pwenty of pweople who wike you, and yowr wooking at her.

She does a tickle fight with Gumball which makes him feel a little bit better and he starts laughing.

Nicole: Now I'm going to be back after a few more boxes, be good for mommy.

After the boxes, Nicole takes Gumball out and they do a little tour around the house.

Richard: And finally, this is our room and you'll be sleeping next to us with a crib near your mother's side.

Gumball giggles and claps his hands.

Richard: Dibs on getting into the shower first.

He rushes to the bathroom and runs the hot water.

Nicole: Well that's okay, I needed to be with Gumball anyway.

Gumball starts making a crying sound.

Nicole: Maybe your hungry, since I haven't fed you in a couple of hours.

Nicole lifts her shirt up, and Gumball drinks up until he stopped. She patted his back so he could burp. He felt kind of sleepy, so she put him to bed and put a little blanket over him and said.

Nicole: Sweet dreams, Baby Gumball.

A couple of minutes later, Richard came out and saw Gumball sleeping. He looked at Nicole smiling and decided to talk to Nicole silently on the bed.

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