Didn't hear no bell

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Fuck you, you're not getting to know shit

??? POV
7 months later

"Hero and conquer, savior and villain. I'm all of these things, yet none of them. As I return to the depths, I wonder? Is this how you felt, old friend?"

Words echoed in the dark around me. They sound.. familiar. It's almost like I said it or something. But, I wonder? Will anyone truly miss me? Will my sacrifice be in vain? Will everything I did be for nothing?

I could only sigh in my mind. I felt like I was underwater. I could move, but is was sluggish. I couldn't breathe due to something. I could still think and see, but there was nothing for me to see. I could feel my body as it was, destroyed for a lack of words. I felt weak, but I didn't give up. I never understood that. Why I just can't give up.

I think I'm crazy or something. If someone asked me I'd probably say yes. But I guess something keeps me sane. Just don't know what.

'Maybe the world forgot. Maybe everyone forgot. I guess that's the fate for a hero and villain. No one remembers. I guess I'm fine with that, though. I know, that deep down, I did not lead a good life, that I've committed sins that cannot be forgiven. But, maybe I just want to hear it. Hear words of appreciation or recognition. It would feel nice to feel appreciated.' I thought as I watched a small glow approach me. 'Is this it? Has my wish finally been given?'

I approached slowly before it blinded me with a second light. My body didn't move and I simply closed my eyes and felt something lift me up. It felt surreal. I was leaving. Leaving the darkness. I would finally be, somewhat, free again.

As more times passed I noticed that it got brighter. Light, which I haven't seen in who knows how long, finally made its presence to me as it only got brighter and brighter before fully blinding me. I felt my body fall on something akin to metal. It felt weird, not being at the bottom of the sea.

"H-he is real!" I heard a voice shout before another shut him up. I could feel hands on my body as they searched for something. My heart sunk at that. These weren't rescuers, these were scavengers.

I slowly opened my eyes and counted them in my head, 'Two to my left, one to my right, and the one searching me. If I was at full strength this wouldn't even be a fight. Guess I'm pretty unlucky though.'

I waited for all of them to be focused on something else, which so happened to be cracked cube in his hand. It wasn't glowing, and seemed destroyed. That's because it was.

I slowly rose to my feet as they retreated into their ship, struggling to even do so as I smirked to myself. Always carry fakes incase they want something. I inspected my ruined rigging as it laid limp and slightly rusted. My clothes were also, for a lack of words, destroyed. My jacket was gone, my shirt had holes in it and wasn't even the original color, my pants had rips and wholes in it, and I didn't even have shoes!

I could feel the energy my cube had and tried to summon a simple weapon, a knife. I could summon it, but I felt exhausted. I felt disgusted by my current power, but I knew it couldn't be helped. As I stared at the knife in my hand I started planning, 'I can use this ship. The only problem is its crew, but I can deal with them. I just need to pick my fights very carefully. Maybe I can do what that one guy in that book did? No, I'm not a demigod nor am I all that sneaky. But it's worth the try.'

So, I started my haunting of the ship. I acted like a phantom, being seen for only a second at most, and terrorizing the crew. They went mad quickly. It wasn't even a week before they started attacking each other, they were just that paranoid. A couple days later the first death, I just watched from the shadows as they tore each other apart from the inside. It wasn't long until only one stood. She was wounded terribly and didn't have long, so I came out from hiding at just looked at her. She seemed quite shocked by my appearance before telling herself I'm not real. I chuckled at that, that was when she realized I was in fact real. Her face of horror was one to behold as I summoned a handgun to end her. Before she could even react I put a bullet between her eyes and picked up her body. I did what I did with the others, throw them into the ocean. I was now alone in this scavenger boat as I started to make way towards the nearest mainland, Eagle Union. I laughed weakly at the realization. That ruined land would be my home again. It must have been some form of irony. Either way, I'm back.


So, I lied somewhat. Now this book has ended how I wanted it to end. Hope you enjoyed the true ending to this book.

Anyways, have a nice day/night

Bama out

Bama out

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