The calm before the storm pt. 1

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I'm gonna start taking this more seriously due to my plan for the later chapters. Anyways let's appreciate Nimitz.

Oh and also, York's rigging is a mix between Yorktown and Essex.

Sound effect ex. BOO

Yorktown POV

It's been a couple day since we left Iron Blood and started making are way to the Sakura Empire base. We still had a day left of sailing before we got there, but I would only stay for a day or two to rest and refuel. Mainly because I want to see what Eagle Union's mainland was like because I've been told that they're like my country.

I'm currently on my flight deck as usual practicing with my aircraft by sparing with Akagi. She was good, but as usual my planes ability to take hits outmatched hers by a lot. She was getting used to the fact that my planes were essentially flying tanks at times depending which ones I sent up. For escort for my dive bombers I sent my Corsairs to deal with her zeros. For my torpedo bombers I sent my wildcats. My Corsairs could deal with the zeros, and if equipped with the right bombs, help attack Akagi. Each time they got close to her she would evade with expertise, but she took to much time to gain her focus before sending out planes. And in battle time is everything, this includes tiny windows of opportunity to hit targets while they're defenceless.

We've been doing this for an hour or two, but it was getting boring and it was around midday. So I decided to hop on top of a Corsair with AP bombs and took off. While on top I summoned my rigging and bow. Akagi did the same by jumping on top of one of her zeros in an attempt to intercept me, but made the mistake of underestimating how high my Corsair could climb.

While she was trying to get me her zero stalled and that's when I dove back down with increased speed. I'm pretty sure all she could hear was a whistling sound because when she looked back she was surprised by how I didn't stall like her and had already caught up to her. I just did finger guns before flying next to her and mouthed 'you're out' before diving back down to summon my ship.

There was a bright flash and a large splash, but there was my ship in all of its glory. I landed shorty after and let the Corsair pull up to one of my elevators after getting off it. I was getting hungry and felt tired so I went down to my galley and just grabbed something before going back to my deck to relax while eating.

There was a nice breeze, but it looked like it would storm soon. So I just enjoyed the sun while it lasted before finally looking at what I grabbed. It was three protein bars and a lemon. How do I have a lemon?

Deciding that it was best to not question it I just ate my protein bars in peace before going back to my galley to find something to put lemonade in. But it seems I only have mason jars, and when life gives you lemons you make lemonade to sell to make money. I was in there for about 10 minutes just making lemonade before deciding that I need a power nap since I've been up since 4 just practicing with my aircraft and trying new strategies with them. Real tiring work when launching planes take a little focus, but also energy out of you depending on how many you send out.

I just layed down and closed my eyes before hearing some thunder.

'Strange.. last I checked there was still at least an hour left before the storm hit.'

But it seems I can't catch a break because when I went back to my deck I saw some black ships with glowing red lines firing at me. I just sent out some dive bombers and corsairs and watched as the chaos unfolded. It only took a bomb from one dive bomber and Corsair to make just one of these ships go up in flames before sinking. It may have been due to my exhaustion that I over equipped my planes that made this easier than it should have been. But when my planes were back in their places I went back below deck before falling asleep in the captain's quarters.

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