Absolute anarchy

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Finally I'm back. This chapter will be longer than normal, so.. shit. My eyes will be missed. I hate writing when it's late, but it's the only time I can write. Have fun.

Sound effect ex. BOOM
??? POV

All around me was fire. Everywhere I looked there was destruction. Buildings were turned to rubble and every living thing became ash or burnt. There were no other survivors, so how did I survive?

"Hey you. How are you alive?" Said an unknown male voice.

Looking up I was met with crimson eyes, they unsettled me. Too similar to the color of blood. Looking away from his eyes he had a dark colored tattered cape? on, with the fur around the hood's rim, black hair, with a tuft nearly covering one of his eyes, and black straight horns that stuck up with a 30 degree angle, crimson sparks of electricity going between them. I didn't know at the time, but he also had wolf-like ears.

His clothes consisted of the aforementioned cape?, fingerless gloves, dark clothes with red lines, white bracers with tufts of fur on the ends, and some armor on his legs. His rigging reminded me of an aircraft carrier from Iron Blood, two sharks in the front with his AA and secondaries and his flight deck on his hip. In his hands was a weird crimson spear. It was pretty long (don't fucking say it), had a vine pattern all over the shaft (don't you fucking dare), but it unsettled me. It seem to radiate bloodlust because as soon as I saw it I started shivering.

"You gonna stare all day or what?" His words broke me out of my observation and shivering. I didn't realize it, but I was staring at him for at least 2 minutes.

I tried to get up, but I couldn't. I was too exhausted trying to survive. He walked closer to me and squatted, looked me right in the eyes and smiled.

"You want to know something?" He asked. I was confused, that I know.

"S-sure." He seemed to smile more at this, but his smile was different. It was more wicked.

"You went from hero to zero pretty quick." He said before thrusting his spear towards me.


Looking around I noticed I was in my room. Everything was fine. Nothing burned or damaged, but what did my dream mean? Who was that guy? What was with the electricity and why was it crimson?

"Ms. Enterprise, are you awake?" That was Belfast, so it was nightmare. Right?

"Yes Belfast, I am." I responded. I swear I'll figure out this dream.

York POV

'Shit shit shit shit!' I thought while dodging some shells from a siren battleship.

It's been a few days since I had my test, and apparently I can summon a spear for some reason. It can transform into a weird looking plane when I throw it. Kinda reminded me of a chip. I just called it the Kater. It was really fast, faster than my other planes, and really dangerous. My guess is that it's some kind of fighter, it's really good at dogfighting siren planes, and seems like a support for a bomber.

'Why did I take this solo mission? I mean it wasn't meant to be difficult, but it probably wasn't meant for an aircraft carrier. Must've been why Graf tried to stop me. But what will I have for dinner?' I was taken out of my thoughts by a shell going right past my head, splashing the water behind me.

"Hey! Shut the fuck up!" I yelled before launching 4 torpedo bombers at it. I shot out two dive bombers with my bow before dodging another salvo. I ran to the side shooting a few more arrows before hearing the siren explode. My planes returned to me right after.

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