A baby

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It was a rainy day in New Hampshire and things had been getting mildly better between Heather and Joe seeing as due to the strike he had been home more often.When she was sitting on the sun porch reading Joe came in with an anouncement,"everyone's coming to stay with us for awhile"said Joe."Well that's great"replied Heather,"how long is a while"she added."Indefinitely"replied Joe as Heather walked out to the porch feeling the breeze from the rain on her face and then she ran down the stairs letting the rain cover her."I love you Joe "she said leaning against his forehead ,"I love you too but I'm hurting"replied Joe .

        As they stood there in the rain looking at each other the moment felt right,"make love to me Joe let me change your mind"whispered Heather."Kiss me like you used to"she added,"why"he asked."Because I ache for you and I think you ache for me"replied Heather,and then he passionately kissed Heather laying her down on the ground and letting his love for her take over as they made love in the rain.Later as they sat in the hot tub ,Joe held Heather as he smiled at what happened ."Well that was an interesting turn of events"he said,"I know "replied Heather.

    "Are we ok "she asked as she looked into Joe's eyes,"I know I hurt you and our marriage but I can do better"replied Heather."Well how about when everybody arrives tomorrow I'll leave you and Gwilym in the pool together while we go out and if you can be good then I'll give you your IPAD back but right now the agreement stands for another six months"replied Joe,"fair enough"said Heather ."And also Gwilym is staying at the guesthouse and I've had it fenced off and also to put you to a test Lucy is going to be your chaperone and if you can pass then maybe we'll talk about changing the agreement"said Joe and Heather agreed."But if you commit another indiscretion you will not be allowed to stay in the house alone "he added ,"I understand the rules but does oral sex count"asked Heather."No" replied Joe ,"but for now I think you talk too much"he added as he passionately kissed Heather before making love to her again before falling asleep with her on the couch by the pool.

  The next morning when they woke up Heather was in heaven but how would she fight her feelings for Gwilym .Later that morning Heather's Doctor called her in for a visit ,"do you know that your twelve weeks pregnant"she replied ."I take it this wasn't planned"said Dr. Martin,"not exactly"replied Heather."I want you to have a CVS test in two days "replied Dr. Martin ,"due to you being over 40 "she added.And with that Heather left the office happy but scared,and as she got outside Joe was waiting."Well is everything ok"he asked,"yeah everything's wonderful"replied Heather."Well then what's the problem"said Joe,"I'm 12 weeks pregnant"cried Heather."I thought you had went through menopause"said joe,"well I guess there was a mix up in the tests "said Heather.

"So 12 weeks that means you got pregnant right after Easter"asked Joe,"yes well you wanted to celebrate the new boat"replied Heather."Oh yeah now I remember"laughed Joe as he and Heather got into the boat,"and in two days I have to have a CVS test because of my age"said Heather as they headed home.The day before everyone arrived Heather and Joe headed off to the Doctor's for her test.Twenty minutes later Heather was in recovery and in pain due to the fact that she had to be mildly sedated and they put a tube in her cervix to do the test."The test went fine and the baby looks good"replied Dr.Martin ,"but she needs to rest here for another hour and no sex for a week"she added.

Later when Joe got Heather home he carried her to their bedroom and shut the door letting her sleep,when there was a knock at the door."Oh my god you guys are here "said Joe hugging everybody .But he wondered how Gwilym would react when found out about Heather's pregnancy.

To be continued

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