Episode 7

38 7 7

Ever since Paige and Kent officially became a couple, Paige had always dreamed about wedding bells.

Since then, Paige never spent even a minute with any other guy besides Kent.

Except now that Justin, a boy with platinum-blonde hair, whom she didn't have a choice but to bring along is now standing right in front of her to catch the spontaneous tears from her eyes with his fingers.

Justin had been repeating the words "Hala" (Oh no) as he made unstoppable attempts to wipe Paige's tears away "Uy... may nagawa ba ko? May nasabi ba ko? Sorry. Wait... hala. Please. Tahan ka na, please? Hala" (Hey. Did I do anything wrong? Was it something I said? I'm so sorry. Wait. Oh no. Please don't cry. Please? Oh no)

Justin is practically panicking, cupping Paige's face with his two hands.

He'd never seen Paige this weak. Justin always thought of Paige as a feisty, sunny person back in the villa.

So staring at Paige's crying expression is like one of the rarest phenomenon and he's doing his best to do what boys normally do in front of a sobbing girl "Ano po gusto? Gusto mo ng water? Bili ako? Or gusto mo ba uwi na tayo?" (Tell me what you need. Do you want some water? Do you want me to get some? Or do you want to go home?)

Paige's tears keep streaming and Justin just patiently waited for her to say something, his hands still caressing her arms.

It lowkey amazed Justin how Paige's baby powder scent has transferred onto his hands.

"Sorry ah? Napuwing siguro ako. Alikabok yata" (Sorry. I think there's something in my eye. It's just dust) Paige thinks of a lame excuse for her sudden collapse and then hides it away with a soft laugh.

"Sinungaling. Basta di tayo papasok sa loob hanggat di ka okay" (Liar. We won't go in there unless you tell me what's up) Justin couldn't take his eyes off of Paige's vulnerable face, his hands are still on her shoulders.

"Kasi naman. Andito ako sa New York para lang dito." (It's just... I went here in New York just for this) Paige's worried, glassy eyes are now looking at Justin's concerned face.

"Para dito sa... Metropolitan Museum?" (Just for... Metropolitan Museum?) Justin looks like he's trying to solve a puzzle from Paige's face.

Paige nods, unsure. Before she and Justin decides to take a seat on a nearby bench.

"Ah. Gets" (I get it now) Justin's sudden smile takes Paige aback.

What does Justin mean? Does he know something about her and Kent? How did he get it so quickly?

"Alam mo?" (You knew?) Paige's downcast expression is now replaced with wonder.

Justin nods confidently "Overwhelming naman kasi talaga every time na makarating ka na sa dream place mo. Gets ko yung feeling. Alam mo ba naiyak din ako nung first time ko nakapunta sa Enchanted Kingdom. Eight-years-old na yata ako non tapos nag--" (I get that it becomes too overwhelming when you finally reach your dream place sometimes. I felt that one time when I went to Enchanted Kingdom for the first time. I think I was eight at the time and I cried when--)

"-- wait. Jah. Hindi yun" (-- wait. Justin. That's not it) Paige internally face palms.

Justin is confused again but he just laughs it off "Ay. Edi ano nga ba pala?" (Oh. So what is it, then?)

Paige gathers all the strength to finally admit it "Hindi yan yung dream place ko. Yung dream place ko... nagwowork sya sa loob ng museum. Si Kent" (My dream place is not the museum. My dream place is in that museum. Because he works in there. His name is Kent)

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