Episode 4.5

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"Everyone, please gather up at the pavilion" the announcer's voice amplified the entire villa at 7PM.

Paige has decided that she can probably make it without a date.

So if Kent would see this episode, he will know that he doesn't have to be bothered by any guy near her.

But before the night could start, Paige has to start gathering up the courage to walk in there.

Social gatherings scare Paige. A lot.

She's been sitting on the floor for a while now, hesitating. Mostly, still hoping that she can talk to a friend like Pablo.

But Pablo and the others must already be meeting up at the pavilion now. With their own dates.

"We expect a complete number in 5 minutes" the talking amplifying device begins the countdown.

Paige stands up and takes one last look in the mirror.

That's one 1 minute passing by.

She goes for the door, clicking it open and checks her surroundings before coming out: there's only an empty hallway.

2 minutes went by just like that.

Paige walks her ballet flats down the stairs. She hears muffled music now. Which means she's getting closer to the venue.

3 minutes down.

As Paige nears the open space by the garden, she sees colorful lights from the distance and sparkly, body-hugging dresses that highlighted different curves.

In 4 minutes, she's close enough to the scene, observing backyard fairy lights and all forms of laughter and voices.

Paige steps out, outdoor lights illuminating her unexpected presence at the party.

5 minutes up.

She made it. She's here. Facing a sea of people.

Overwhelmed, she feels like she's glued on the ground, accepting various looks that judged her.

Some scowls, some hides their surprise, some fakes their smiles, some laughed at who knows what, some continuously chattered and some had interrupted conversations.

Paige saw that the boys manage to find each of their own dates. And all of them look well-behaved in tux.

Probably swapped perfumes so that their scent would match the look they went for tonight.

Then, there's Erin, walking very beautifully right in the middle of the crowd, waltzing with Felip.

Paige's feet are still ice. She couldn't move at all, not knowing what to do next.

Luckily, Justin and his date were heading towards her with their soft smiles "Paige?!"

Justin yells above the music that it caught some attention.

Felip, mid-dance with Erin, is suddenly dead on his tracks, his eyes are now connected with Paige.

Felip's mouth opens a little as if he's about to say something but decided against it.

In order to respect his date, Felip made sure he isn't staring at Paige for too long. So he tries to focus back to Erin.

Justin's date happens to be the nice girl who have talked to her about the first task during the first night at the villa.

Paige realizes she hasn't officially met her.

"Hi, Paige. Mitch pala..." (Hi, Paige. I'm Mitch, by the way) Mitch is a tall, pretty girl who looks very soft spoken and sincere.

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