Planet 34 Low ranked cowards

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You left to your estate to continue your personal studies. First thing first was to get gunpowder, good thing for you that was another thing you took from Uzui (this time without his permission). Carefully pulling a large container from under your desk and grabbing a small pinch of the grey-black powder and placing it into a reinforced container in your lab.

You opened one of the many cabinets that covered one of your walls and grabbed a vial of poison and placing it into a bag with a tube leading right above the gunpowder.

Slowly squeezing the bag, allowing the poison to slowly fall onto the powder. It quickly exploded, due to the small size of the explosion and the reinforced container it was in there was no damage and nearly no noise outside of your estate.

The noise however did slightly startle the cat that had just arrived in your room. A panicked meow, followed by the cabinet you left open being slammed shut caught your attention.

"Yushiro's cat! Oh this is the perfect time. Hey I'm sorry if that scared you, can I see what was sent to me?" The cat quickly made it's way to you.

"I am glad to hear that I may have a potential partner for the project and I believe that her goal will be very important. The two of you can begin with these extra samples as I am already quite close to completing the cure. As for when we will meet, I believe she owns the butterfly estate if I'm not mistaken. Just Incase I will meet you at yours. Until then use these as I have no more use for them (I known of your personal projects so I want you to take half of these and give the others to your friend)


"Why am I not surprised" you let out a sigh and placed the letter down and grabbed the blood samples. These were exactly what you needed, and at the perfect moment as well.

"Thank you for the delivery. Here have a snack. I'm sure you are hungry right?" You picked up the cat and brought it to your kitchen, placing on the counter. You opened one of your cabinets and grabbed a small container of food, placing it Infront of the cat.

"Eat up" you said as you walked away and back to the blood samples you placed on your desk. Slowly placing a few drops of blood labeled 6+ under your microscope studying the composition of it. You sighed and grabbed a needle, taking a deep breath before stabbing yourself with it, and slowly taking a sample of your own blood.

You got a few drops of your own blood onto another peice and placing it under the microscope. You finally added some of your blood to the demon blood and watched as the demon blood took over.

A few notes were added to your notebook before you closed it and put everything away, sanitizing the materials that made contact with blood and turning off the light before going to your room.

You laided down on your bed, falling asleep almost instantly.

You woke up the next morning and began preparing for the day, only thinking about your experiments.

The training was boring to say the least, just in the first day there were many snapped blades which was concerning considering that it was flexibility training. One good thing was that it gave you time to hone your skills with the new weapons.

At some point people started watching in awe from your speed, accuracy and range.

"Mitsuri, do you think we could take a break from flexibility training and I could to my own training with them?"

"Sure thing, I can go get food while your are doing that!"

"Thank you Mitsuri, if I'm being honest I haven't been eating much so could you get me a bit extra?"

"Of course! It is important to eat plenty!"
And with that she ran off.

"Since all you guys want to do I watch in awe, how about I train you all"

Some slayers listened intently as you were usually reasonable with the training they were given. Others were a bit scared based on your recent behavior.

"We have three options, I will let you all choose what you want to do since I will only be needed for one of these." You gave them all a sinister smile which instantly struck fear in the lower ranked slayers.

"Option one is a game of tag, everyone will take one of my specially made practice blades and you will all try to hit eachother. When Mitsuri gets back I will count how many hits each person made and how many times everyone got hit, punishment will follow accordingly. If you break the blade you will get additional punishment."

"Miss.... How will you know who hits who and how many times?"

"The blade is foam which is filled with paint, I'll count the strikes with each color" you explained.

"The second game will be a tournament of the tea game. I'm sure you have all played before but there is a twist. There will be two games. The first round will happen normally, however bother the winner and loser will join different tournaments." You paused

"The winner will continue for absolute victory as normal while the loser will join a reverse tournament. The loser continues while the the winner joins a different one."


"I'll give an example. Let's say you lose your first round but win your second, you will then face off against someone who had the same result as you someone has the most loses and the most wins. I will be announcing the rounds so don't even try lying to me."

"Yes ma'am!"

"And the final game is the most straight forward" you gave a sinister smile "I will throw rock, blades and explosives at you and all you have to do is not get hit"

They all shuddered at the thought.

"Alright then, if you want to do the first one go here" you pointed to a spot in the training area "the second here" you pointed again "and the third here"

Most people went for the first two, only a few very brave people chose the third option. You scanned the group with a smile "you 7 are brave, I'll give you that" you smile as you watched Tanjiro and Inosuke join the group "well, nine now"

You turned to the other two groups "you all are wimps, cowards if you will. It isnt a bad mentality to chose the safer option but this is mere training, not life or death. You should take the chances you are given"

You got all the names of the people in group two and wrote them on a paper. "Alright, let's start with Zenitsu and Heiko I guess" you said, allowing them to begin while you assigned practice weapons to the first group.

"Alright, do as you wish" you left them with that as you made your way to the third group who was already prepared for hell.

"I like you nine, all such brave souls. Tanjiro, Inosuke, Murata, Genya, Kitone, Yuni, Mizone, Kotaro, Zunero" you addressed them all specifically, you all will be rewarded for your bravery later."

You began throwing the pile of objects at them. Rocks were the best option to have thrown at you as the knifes were obviously not the best choice and the explosives were well, explosive.

"The rest of them all have punishment coming up. I'll let you all in on the secret of it" you looked at them all who were surprisingly paying attention to your words while avoiding the objects, some even trying their best to block them all with their wooden sword.

"They have to go through an obstical course near my estate while wearing a 50 pound vest. You guys are also permitted to go anytime you wish with or without a vest of your choice."

"That is very nice of you y/n, I may go there if I have extra time" Tanjiro mentioned while dodging an explosive and blocking a blade "Is it the one on Mt.Irishino?"

"Yes it is and I've recently added more to it as well" you looked over to the second game "alright, Muiyu and Kai your turn"

"Y/n I'm back! I have plenty of food for everyone!" Mitsuri exclaimed with Kyojuro and Muichiro following behind, helping to carry all the food.

"Alright, food break! I expect everyone to be done and back to training within a hour. The sooner the lesser your punishment!" You announced before Turning back to the smallest group "and the better your reward" you whispered to them.


{hiatus/discontinued} Sanemi Shinazugawa X Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now