planet 32 trauma (unedited)

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⚠️ this chapter will contain topics that may be triggering to some people⚠️

You heard news that there would be an emergency meeting in 3 days, allowing time for you, muichiro and mitsuri to be able to heal in order to arrive safely and Kyojuro, Gyomei and Giyuu to return from their missions.

You later found out that Sanemi wasn't permitted visitation until you were healed a bit more, the whole situation was rather frustrating.

You did get good news though, it was actually about Nezuko. She had conquered the sun however for her own safety she is to stay out of the sunlight.

"Mui~ I'm bored and the meeting is tomorrow" you complained as you turned to the boy in the bed next to yours. He placed the journal he was writing in onto the nightstand before looking at you.

"What do you want me to do about it?" He asked, you genuinely couldn't tell if he was trying to be mean or not but you brushed it off

"You mentioned that you regained your memories right? if you don't mind, could you tell me about your past. I'll tell you mine after"

"I don't see why not" he paused "my dad was a woodcutter, he and my mom worked hard for as long as I could remember. My dad was like the sun boy in a way, the same kind smile and red eyes"

"I'm guessing sun boy is Tanjiro?" He nodded

"I don't quite remember how old I was but my mom became Ill, at the age of ten she and my father died"


"Her of illness and my father died when he want to get herbs for my mother, it was stormy and he fell off a cliff"

"So, you were alone at ten, I'm so sorry if I brought up painful memories"



"I was alone at eleven, I had a brother, a twin, his name was yuichiro"

"He died that young?"he nodded, a tear falling out of his eye. You steaded yourself on the nightstand in between the two of you and slowly made your way to his bed. "I'm so sorry, you shouldn't have had to go through that" you gave him a hug, placing your hand on his back in an attempt to soothe him.
"Well I guess it is my turn"

"My parents were demon slayers, my father died when I was six so i don't have  much memory of him but he was very kind, similar to yours I guess. I had 4 siblings. My mom raised us all by herself. There were Kyoro and Senro, my older and younger brothers and Shiku and Miteru, my older and younger sisters. when I turned 14 my mom began training me and at 16 I was going to go to the final selection, there was a month until it began so I went into town to get gifts Incase I didn't return" you took almost no breaks from your story

"Little did I know that I was the only one that would return that night" a few tears escaped your eyes "when I returned home they were all dead, at least I thought so. They had become demons, I was too weak and nearly killed myself that day" you moved your uniform to show your neck, a giant scar going across it "Shino and her older sister saved me before I could succeed, as well as freeing my family from their pain"

"Do you still feel that way?" He asked as he pulled away from the hug and looked you in the eyes

"Sometimes" you admitted. You didn't know why you continued to confess these things.

"Its lead me to do some... Stupid things. Shinobu found out but I think she believes I'm doing better now."

He was now holding your hands in his, looking into your eyes with a level of care you had never seen from him "if you don't mind, what have you done?"

"I've stolen random chemicals from Shinobu four times, tried jumping off of a cliff a few times, as well as attempting to sacrifice myself to demons. I also tried drowning once"

This time he pulled you into a hug "I don't know much about emotions or how to handle them but if you ever feel that way I can try to help you through it"

"No, don't worry about it. You are still a kid, I shouldn't put you through this"

"I'm also a coworker and I guess a friend as well, while yes I am younger I want you to think of me as an equal, alright y/n?"

"It still feels so messed up, you are fourteen, I'm twenty, I should be helping you, not the other way around"

"You still have emotions though, and you should be able to express them, to feel them as much as I should be able to"

"Thank you muichiro, I really owe you but on another note, you have wear my uniform for a week right?"

"Oh shit I did agree to that"


"You were the one that encouraged it earlier"

"I did not!"

"No you definitely did" a voice interrupted, it was one of the swordsmiths.

"kanamori right?"

"Correct lord-l/n"

"Just y/n is fine, no formal names or titles"

"Yes ma'am" you sighed

"Well, I assume you brought me the weapons I requested"

"Yes, thankfully you ordered these way ahead so they were completed quickly."

"Thank you, I would go out it the field to try them out however I am bedridden for a while"

"Well, I can place them in here for now"

"That would be much appreciated" he walked next to your bed and placed the weapons down, a polearm with a two sided blade on either side.

"The center is still empty but to fill it you remove the blade like this and pour whatever poison you are using in"

"Thank you"

He pulled out a pair of boots and gave you another demonstration "for these you will want to pour the poison in here, just like the polearm you will simply unscrew it"

"Thank you so much, I promise I will try them out as soon as I can."

"That is good to know, that was my first time making such a weapon. Have you been training to wield it?"

"I have for a while now, an old friend of mine used one and taught me the basics, Ive been training in my free time since then"

"I see, well I also have your sword lord Tokito"

"I see, just place it here for now" you elbowed his side giving him a look "and thank you I guess" you let a smile rest on your face

"There is no need to thank me, although I do appreciate it I'm used to not being thanked"

"Well you swordsmiths need a break, especially with all of the rookies who keep snapping your blades, how about I start training on how to not snap your blade"

"Thank you but there is no need, we are simply doing our job"

"I'll incorporate it into their lessons"

"If you are sure it won't take away too much of their training then I accept. Well I really would be going, have a great day and a swift recovery y/n, lord Tokito"

"Have a good day" you waved as he left.


I know I haven't been updating in a long while, I've have zero motivation so Ive been reading fics for ideas but hopefully I won't take that long to publish another chapter

{hiatus/discontinued} Sanemi Shinazugawa X Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now