planet 30 aftermath (unedited)

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You were trapped in dark void, an agonizing pain on the side of your head.
6 candles came into view, each with different color of flame, starting as small specks and growing into flames.

You reached your hands out to touch them, your hands didn't burn but were enveloped in a comforting warmth.

At first only two flames were present, one was purple and the other was peach. The flames grew and danced together, creating 4 more flames which started out being red, white, yellow, light blue.

Suddenly the peach one went out and the others weakened before they grew back to there normal size and after another moment they all went out.

Once again you were trapped in darkness as a purple flame replaced the blue, a pink and green replaced the yellow, the red came back with yellow tips and the white being replaced by yellow with red tips.

You observed the colors of the flames as you touched each one a different sensation for each. You noticed two small fires growing in place of the peach and purple ones, they were both black, one with blue tips and another with pink.

You looked down at your hands to see lavender flames coming from you, you let your flames make contact with the two struggling flames, you helped them grow but not quite enough, a white and lavender flame approached you and also contributed to the dying flames, finally allowing them to grow until they could survive on their own.

You closed your eyes, you were tired but content with saving the flames as yours and the white one went out together before you awoke from your dream.

"What was that?" You mumbled holding your head as you sat up only to instantly feel throbbing in your stomach as you vomited into a bucket which was conveniently next to your bed.

You sat there as and thought about the dream. These kinds of dreams, or in better terms, these visions weren't a rare occurrence. You began immediately piecing parts of it together. The first flames represented your family, your father, the peach flame, died first. The family struggled for a bit before they continued life as he would have wanted. Then on the day you woke up after they died you met Shinobu, then mitsuri, Kyojuro and Senjuro. But that doesn't explain the rest of it. Who were the other two and who did they represent.

Then you thought about the white and lavender flame. it reminded you so much of Sanemi so it was likely a representation on him. You though to hard you were nearly frying your brain so you simply sighed as you laid back down. The sun started to rise and you noticed a figure on the roof above you.

you stared into his green eyes as he stared back into yours. The two of you simply blinked at few times before aoi walked into the room. "Y/N! You're awake!" She ran to place the tray of medicine on a table before running to you and gently hugging you, being careful of injures.

"Are you okay?? Does anything hurt?? I should probably go clean the bucket you vomited in!" You laughed at her behavior

"I wake up and those are the first things you ask me?" You continued laughing before holding your head which you never noticed was bandaged. You pulled your knees to your stomach. You stared at the wall as the world started spinning and your vision went black again.

You were back in the dark room, only the two flames you didn't understand were there. You touched them, feeling them once again. One resembled fog, they were clearly lost and was in need of guidance through it. The other was floral, although very subtle, likey a soft soul. You sat and pondered as to who could fit these categories.

Only two names came to mind, Muichiro and Kanao. However you don't view them as parental figures, unless. "What if, I'm their parental figure?" They you thought back to your interaction with the white flame, the way the two of you nurtured the flames until they could survive on their own.

Your eyes began to water "do they, really see me and Sanemi as their parents?"

You awoke once again, the same pain on the side of your head and your stomach as well as someone poking your cheek.

"Y/NNNNN!!!" Mitsuri pulled her hand away "YOUR AWAKE!!!" she went to trap you in a bear hug only aoi to pull her away

"She is to fragile, especially with her head injury!" She scolded the hashira who just looked down almost as if she was pouting.

"What happened?"

"From what we heard from Tokito and the Swordsmiths you and him defeated uppermoon 5, Muichiro was in no state to fight and passed out however you refused to rest, tried to join Kanroji's fight against upper moon 4 but passed out just after you made it out of the door." She paused to take a breath. "And you hit the right side of your head on a rock which gave you a moderate to severe concussion. You also had a demon poison in you which Nezuko was thankfully able to remove before it proved fatal"

"Simple terms?" You asked as you couldn't understand nearly a word being said.

"Basically you fractured your skull, bruised your brain and were poisoned"

You simply nodded in response

"With your condition, I'm shocked that you are responsive even if it has been a week"

"A week!?" You tried to get out of bed only for aoi to force you back. "Let go, I need to make sure Sanemi is okay!"

"Don't worry, we informed the master of what happened and he will ensure that Sanemi does not attempt to do anything out of line"

You simply gave up, you were too tired from processing stuff "how is Muichiro doing?"

"He is doing well, the first thing he did when he woke up was ask about you actually"

You smiled a bit, more evidence that your hunch was correct. "That's good" you laid your head on your pillow before drifting off to sleep

PUBLISHED 06/10/2023

I think I'm going to spend a bit of time to work on developing the relationships before I kill off *cough* *cough* I mean start the second last arc in the story

{hiatus/discontinued} Sanemi Shinazugawa X Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now