Planet 17 Training (P1) (edited)

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Just an fyi, these are the ships in le fic
Y/n x Sanemi
Mitsuri x Obanai
Zenitsu x Nezuko
Giyuu x Shinobu
Tanjiro x inosuke
Genya x muichiro

The next day you awoke, 5 more days until you could leave the butterfly Mansion. You were interrupted by a knock at the door

"Um, l/n... Are you awake?" A familiar voice spoke.

"Come in Kamado" you sat up from your bed, preparing for a conversation not even 5 minutes after you woke up.

You heard the door slowly open as Tanjiro stood in the door way "two things, Aoi asked me to me to get you for breakfast."

"And the other thing?" You asked standing up from your bed.

"Since you are a hashira, I was wondering if you could give me any tips or pointers?" He scratched at the back of his neck.

"Maybe a bit later, I was up pretty late so I need to get more sleep" you waved your hand a bit and you walked out of the door.

"If you don't mind me asking, why were you up late. You are still technically recovering"

"Me and Mitsuri, the love pillar, went to the festival last night, which lasted until around 11, then I spent a long while explaining astrology to her." You sighed, recalling the night prior.

You were basically being drowned by questions all of last night. She somehow knows nearly as much as you do from the span of 2 hours of explaining.

"That sounds pretty cool, I read a book about astrology a bit back" he recalled "I think I was 12 at the time"

"I come from a family of astrologists so I've been learning since a young age"

"Is that why you use space breathing?"

"Yep, it's been passed down for a few generations, each one adding 1 form."

"Speaking of, about what time should I come get you?"

You sat and thought about the question "come get me up if I'm not there by 2"


You finished eating breakfast and made your way down the hall to the dinning room. "Good morning y/n" a soft voice greeted your ears "how is your stomach feeling?"

"A bit better, as long as I don't put to much pressure on it I'm fine"

"That is excellent y/n, considering your condition I think you should be alright to be discharged later today" she gave you a little smile

"TODAY!? Thank you so much shino-chan n!"

She did a little wave"well I will let you go to breakfast, you can leave whenever you choose after that" she walked away to her room

You ran to breakfast with a smile on your face as you opened the door

"I'm assuming something good happened?" Tanjiro asked as you sat down about to dig into your food.

"Shino-chan said I can leave today!" You looked at him, your eyes sparkling. "We can train right after breakfast then I will be leaving this place"

"Alright l/n"

"You can call me y/n if you want"

"Then you can call me Tanjiro"

"Alright Tanjiro!"

You and the primary color trio began eating. You finished first, taking your dishes to the kitchen and heading to the training area to wait. Zenitsu and Inosuke asked to join as well and of course you couldn't decline.

"Y/n!" You heard the yellow boy yell as he ran from an angry inosuke with Tanjiro following behind shaking his head.

"That is my name" you deadpanned as you stepped to the side, stopping him from jumping into your arms and covering you in his tears.

"Get back her monitsu!" You heard the boar headed male yell as he jumped over you to get the other one who was now cowering behind you.

"Break it up you two or Tanjiro is the only one receiving training!" Tanjiro sighed as he sat nezuko's box down in the shade and made his way towards the other two.

He had to hold inosuke back, dragging him away for a moment "you can come out from behind me now" you stared down at him, intentionally letting out some bloodlust.

Bad decision

He screeched at the top of his lungs as he jumped into a nearby tree thinking it would protect him.

You stared at him for a moment before letting out out a small giggle at his behavior.

The other two came back, Tanjiro being his usual self and Inosuke being a bit off, he probably got a bad scolding from Tanjiro.

"We start training now!" You asked with a smile. "To start" you grabbed 4 vests, where you got them from will forever be a mystery "put these on and follow me up the mountain!"

You handed one to each of the 3 boys who were stunned by the weight, each one weighing about 55 pounds (25Kg). And more so by the fact that you held all 4 at one time.

"Ready!" You looked back to the three who nodded in response "alright. Now don't get lost" you took off, as the others followed behind, zenitsu starting to fall behind a bit, which you were quick to notice.

"Hey zenitsu" you said turning around "I believe in you, I'm sure there is someone you are doing this for, correct?"

He turned red as he subtlety nodded.

"A girl?"

He blushed a dark shade of red

"Then do this for her"

With that he sped up, reaching you within a few seconds. "FOR NEZUKO-CHANNN!!"

"Damn." You whispered, a bit shocked before a grin spread across your face "that worked pretty well"

"Inosuke" you turned around "I heard that there is a super strong demon at the top of the mountain" you could sense his eyes widening in excitement "I was wondering if you wanted to fight it but it's first come first serve so..." You shrugged.

He started running, probably getting past zenitsu "I can't think of anything to motivate you with, your too smart"

"I just want to train, if you want to we can catch up to the others?"

"That's the plan, I'm scared of what will happen otherwise" you nervously chuckled.

EDITED: 07/27/2023

{hiatus/discontinued} Sanemi Shinazugawa X Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now