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>Ok...joshua, calm down. You'll get it..<

I said to myself and tightened my grip between the bouquet of flowers.

I was standing in front of the hospital, and I was getting damn nervous.
What if jeonghan hates me and then just sends me away? or what if jeonghan feels worse because of me?
I entered the hospital and went to the counter where a nice-looking young lady was sitting.

"Hello, how can I help you?"

she said kindly to me.

"Hello, could you please tell me which room yoon jeonghan is in?"

She looked at me in surprise.
Apparently, he didn't have visitors very often,

,,Mr. Yoon's room number is 163"

she told me and smiled at me politely.

,,thank you very much."

I thanked her and replied with a smile.
I made my way to the mentioned room.
Now I was standing here in front of the door of jeonghan's room.
My hands were sweating, and I was more nervous than before.

I finally pulled myself together and knocked on the door.
The door opened, and jeonghan stood in front of me.
I stared at him for what felt like 10 minutes he was so beautiful, but he looked pretty tired, which is why I started to worry.

,,hello?? Joshua?"

I heard an angelic voice before someone waved their hand in front of my face.
I came back to reality and gave jeonghan the flowers.
You could see a rosy glow on jeonghan's cheeks as he looked at the flowers.
We were definitely standing 5 minutes like that, jeonghan stared at the flowers, and I starred at jeonghan.

I was snapped out of my thoughts after another 5-10 minutes as jeonghan started to smile and let me into his room

,,thank you for coming."

He said in his angelic voice.

,,Has anyone ever told you that you look and sound like an angel?"

I asked him, and his cheeks, which were still slightly rosy, turned bright red.

"No, everyone just called me ugly and fat."

Jeonghan said, slightly ashamed.

"What? You? Ugly? No way, if you're ugly, then what am I?"

He smiled slightly, but that smile vanished as quickly as it came.

"You're probably wondering why I'm here, aren't you?"

I nodded in response to his question.

,,It started about 3 years ago in high school.
I was fat...fucking fat and my classmates told me that too, and they also told me that I was ugly and nobody liked me, so I lost my self-confidence.
It started with a slight bulimia, but this developed more and more, and eventually, I stopped eating.
When I was in the hospital with severe anorexia, the doctors found out that I had stage 4 lung cancer.
My anorexia is almost gone, but I suddenly lost 8 kg's in the last 3 days...
A few of the doctors think that it's either because of the cancer, and others think that it's still because of the residue of my anorexia.
And that's why I'm here."

I just stared at the wall in shock, It made me sad, damn sad.. Tears came to my eyes, and I had to try damn hard not to cry,

"I'm so sorry."

I said and turned to look at jeonghan who was just staring at me silently with half dead eyes, the only thing i saw in his eyes was black but also a few sparks of hope and something else but i couldn't quite make out what it was

I saw that jeonghan was getting  bright red again through our intense eye contact.
I don't know what gave me that idea, but I just hugged him.
To my surprise, he replied, which made me damn happy.

However, Jeonghan pushed me off his bed as the door opened, and a doctor walked in.

,,Minghao? I thought you were on vacation?"

jeonghan asked him.
I just rubbed my head painfully while the doctor just looked confused between me and jeonghan.

"Yeah, but our flight has been canceled."

half an eternity, jeonghan said something again.

,, Ahh... minghao, this is Joshua. Joshua, this is minghao."

" Nice to meet you," I said with a smile on my lips.

,,nice to meet you too."

He respond with a smile and now looked at jeonghan and started talking again.

,,Uhmm... jeonghan, I really need to talk to you."

I looked at jeonghan as well and asked:

,,Should I go?. I mean, it's getting late, and this conversation is probably none of my business."

Jeonghan looked at me a bit scared, I think he was scared to know what minghao was trying to tell him.

,,Yes....minghao can I take him downstairs for a moment?"

Minghao just nodded silently.

Jeonghan and I silently walked down the stairs.

,,Jeonghan... don't be afraid... and if you feel bad, text me or call me. I'm always there for you."

He just smiled and looked into my eyes.

"Thank you... you are such a nice person."

Jeonghan broke our eye contact again and walked down the last few steps.
We stood in front of the exit, and I hugged Jeonghan.

,,It was very nice to be able to talk to you today."

He said.

,,I think so too."

I replied with a smile.
Then I left the hospital.


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