Chapter 10: Wide Awake

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John Pov:

His hand was shaking around the hilt of the knife, his knuckles had long turned white with how tight his grip was.
He would not go down without a fight.
If this fucking psycho tried anything he would slit his throat.
Ramon huffed, smirked and raised his hands In a surrendering gesture.

"Calm down, I'll explain everything to you, I promise."

"Then talk."

"Don't you think it's bit rude to talk to someone while you're holding pressing a knife into their throat? I mean I won't judge if you're into that kind of thing-"

John glared at him and pressed the blade in deeper, drawing some blood.
The red liguid dripped down his pale throat and stained his shirt.

"Dont- don't fucking play with me right now Ramon. If you don't tell me what you did to me - what you did to Jacques I will kill you. I'm not joking."

"I didn't do anything to your friend, John."

The brunette in question let out a disbelieving laugh.

"And you expect me to believe that?"

"I mean it! I did bring him to the hospital. I didn't hurt him."

"Maybe not but your friend sure did.. What his name? Rambo?"

Ramon looked offended: "okay first of all he's NOT my friend. He's my cousin. And how is that my fault? It's not my fault if he decided to attack you. Incase you don't remember I saved your ass when he was choking you out! I could've just left you to die!"

John faltered for a moment but his resolve strengthen again: "Why did you take his phone then? And why did you kidnap me? Why would you do that if you're innocent!?"

"Because you're in danger John!"

John growled: "Ohh now you're threatening me too, huh? Wow you're doing a real good job of convincing me!"

But Ramon shook his head: "It's not a threat. It's a warning. I had to bring you here for your own safety and you wouldn't have come with me without a fight. There are people, dangerous people, who took your friend."

John was shocked despite himself: "W-what? What people? Why would they take Jacques and why would they target me? I'm new here, I don't even know anyone!"

"They hate us, me and my roommates I mean. They would do anything to weaken, hurt or even just annoy us. They must have figured out that Rambo targeted you two specifically and decided to take you for themselves. They may have left you alone but you just couldn't let the situation rest.
If they saw your little breakdown in front of that alley they would have taken you too! I didn't want them to hurt you!"

"I- I don't understand. Why don't you go to the police?"

"They wouldn't be of any help. It's a long story and I won't go into detail right now but just know that the police can't do anything against them."

"Why.. Why would you save me?"

"It's stupid I know but the truth is you remind me of someone I lost long ago.
We don't know each other, not really, but I can't help but feel like I do! And my cousin is the one who dragged you into this mess... I wouldn't be able to live with myself if anything happened you because of him."

John lowered the knife slowly, very slowly and Ramon spoke again: "Please. I know you have no reason to belive me but I'm not your enemy."

John swallowed: "If.. If I stay here for now.. Will you help me get Jacques back?"

"I will. I swear it. That was the reason I came here in the first place."

John finally removed the knife completely but didn't put it aside.
It rested I'm John's now more lax hand but he would still use it if he thought that Ramon was lying to him.
He squared his shoulders and looked Ramon in the eyes when the taller boy turned around.

"Then I will stay. For Jacques."


Author's Note:
gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss✌️

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2023 ⏰

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