Chapter 5: Growing Suspicions

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John pointedly ignored the concerned stares of his classmates once he returned to school.
John knew he looked like a mess.
His hair was more of a mess than usual and slightly greasy, his eyebags were a deep purple, his eyes themselves were red and irritated from lack of sleep and his uniform was wrinkled.
Not to mention that the bruises from being choked out were faded but still perfectly visible.
He hadn't relaxed since the incident with Jacques badge.
The pieces of pink fabric were now stuffed away in his blazer pocket that was barely big enough to hold it and now bumped out awkwardly.
They seemed to wear him down like bricks.
Where was his friend?

His first idea was to just check out the next room he'd have class in to see if Jacques was already there.
The boy had told him that he always got to class early so it was a good bet.
But when he got there he quickly scanned the room and didn't see his peach shock of hair anywhere in sight.
Okay, don't worry, maybe he just has student council matters to attend to.
He is the student council president after all.
So John sought out their meeting room and even met one of the members but he told him that no one else had come to the room that day.
Another bust.

He went around the school, not caring if he'd be late for class and asked about his missing friend.
Jacques was popular with both the students and teachers.. Someone had to have seen him or at least know where he was, right?
But no.
Not one fucking person could help him.
Everyone he asked avoided eye contact and mumbled some excuse as to why they had to get going.
What was going on?
Some people he asked outright told him that they didn't know who he was talking about and John had barely resisted the urge to bash their brains in with his ridiculously thick math text book.

There was only one option left so John waltzed over to his almost full classroom, barged in and pulled a boy he shared his chemistry course with away from his group of friends.
John whirled him around to face him and gripped his shoulders tight.

"That redheaded guy from our chemistry class. Where is his classroom?"

The boy looked at him wide-eyed and shot a glance back at his friends as if to ask for help but they didn't say anything in return and instead stepped away from him and John.

"Y-you mean Ramon?"


"U-uh I think on the third floor? It should be at the very end of the hallway next to a big window."

John shoved him away again and went on his way.
He knew where to go.
He practically ran up those stairs and arrived at his destination pretty quickly.
It was just his luck that Ramon was just about to enter the room when John got to him.

"We need to talk."

Ramon eyed him down from head to toe and raised one sharp eyebrow but refrained from commenting on his appearance.

"Go on then."

"Not here", he eyed the students trying to subtly watch them, "in private."

The other boy sighed but gave him an indulgent smile.

"Alright, if that's what you want. Follow me."

Then he took off without waiting for a reply from John who stared after him before hurrying to catch up with his long strides.
They went up and up and up until they reached a door that was off limits for the student body.

"We shouldn't be here", said John.

"OH please, no one will know. I'm up here all the time and have never been caught. No one will disturb us here."

He opened the creaking door and stepped out.
John did the same and realized that they were on the rooftop of the building.
He looked down and felt dizzy at the sheer height.
Everyone on the ground looked like ants.
Ramon leaned back against a wall and smiled at John.

"So? What's all this secrecy for? You've really got me curious now."

John frowned at the others' playful and relaxed demeanor.
He glared at Ramon and said: "Jacques. Where is he?"

Ramons eyebrows raised slowly.

"I imagine he's resting at home or catching up with his friends if he already returned. Why don't you ask them?"

"Don't give me that bullshit", he growled and took a threatening step towards Ramon who wasn't fazed, "I asked everyone and they all refuse to tell me anything! You're the last person who saw him so answer me!"

"Look John I don't know what you want me to say. I brought him to the hospital, explained the situation and left. I haven't heard from him since. If he's not here he must still be home or maybe in the hospital if it was really bad."

"No. I know that something happened to him."

"Oh? And how is that?"

John dug into his pocket.
His hands were shaking from anger and nerves but he managed to get the pieces of Jacques' badge out.
He practically thrust them into Ramons bewildered face.

"These", he shook the pieces again for emphasis, "were left in my garden by someone. It's Jacques badge and he still had it when I last saw him so it must have been taken after I left you two alone!"

Ramon took them and examined them idly, not seeming particularly interested in what John's saying.

"So? Anyone could've done this after I left him alone. I was the one who saved you remember? I shouldn't be the one you're questioning here."

But John shook his head: "It wasn't that big guy that attacked us. Whoever left Jacques badge in my garden also left their handprint on my window. I don't know why.. Maybe to mock me or intimidate me.. Whatever the reason the handprint didn't match his at all. It was too small and slender, it couldn't have been him. Not to mention that I highly doubt that someone of his size could sneak around without being noticed."

"As nice as this has been, I'm not going to stand around here and let you accuse me of god knows what. I'm leaving. I hope you'll find you friend, John."

John tried to reach out for his arm but Ramon easily avoided him and slid back into the building.
His eyes glared into the others back until he was gone with a deafening slam of the roof door.
John ground his teeth, fuming.

This wasn't over.

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