Chapter 2: Enemies and Friends

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Lorelei, the reason he was here.
Not just in this school, but also still in this world.
Without her he wouldn't be alive anymore.
And then.. She was taken from him at this school.

John clenched his fists.
He knew it, he had told everyone but they had all told him that he remembered it wrong, that she had never attended this school.
They were wrong.
He had known they were wrong.
And yet.. Everyone kept insisting that he was crazy and after many months he started to believe it.
Until he found her acceptance letter from the school in her room.

And now here he was despite all odds.
They forgot to get rid of this piece of evidence.
Because that what it was.
A lot of people had clearly tried very hard to make it seem like Lorelei Miller had never even attended this school.
And they must have had a reason to do that.
He would get to the bottom of this and find his sister and if it was the last thing that he did.

A glance at a nearby clock showed him that class was almost over and so he took a quick picture of the trophy with his phone and walked back towards his classroom to get his bag.
All his thoughts were focused on his sister and so he fell back hard when he ran straight into someone.
He winced at the impact with the ground and looked up.
It was another student, one he hadn't seen before.
He was huge, way taller than any student should be and he was built like a bull.
His neck alone was as thick as a treetrunk.
The boy had a shock of bright red hair and his reddish brown eyes were glaring down at John.
John frowned and rubbed his scraped aching hands.

"Can't you watch where you're going, fresh meat?", demanded the big guy.

John rolled his eyes "You could have just stepped aside. The corridor is long and I'm sure even you with tiny brain could've reacted fast enough to avoid me if you wanted. Now leave me alone."

John made a move to get up but was painfully pushed back down by the guy pressing his foot down on his chest.

"OH you're a bold one aren't you", he asked dangerously, "I would think twice about who I use that kind of backtalk on. Now, I'm sure we can resolve this thing peacefully and both walk away happily if you apologize nicely."

John snarled and hit him in the shin.
"Fuck off you inbred bastard, I'm not apologizing for anything cunt."

The guys eyes practically turned into slits
"Wrong answer. Now, I. Want. An. Apology."

He ground his foot hard into John's ribs making him gasp for air.
He lifted it for one hopeful moment before swinging it back down to kick him hard in the side.
John grunted in pain, squeezing his eyes shut.
He curled up and wrapped his sides and stomach with his arms.

"Fuck you", John spit.

Big guy growled and and went to kick him again when another voice rang out in the otherwise deserted hall.

"Stop what you're doing right now!"

It was a boy of average height, with peach colored hair and brown gentle eyes.
His uniform was different from his own, the usual black being replaced by glowing white and a badge was wrapped around his left upper arm.
His expression was fierce and he stood tall and proud in the face of a guy almost twice as tall as him.
He held up a card that displayed the school's insignia.

Big guy grumbled angrily but stepped away from a stubbornly not cowering John.
He glared first at the boy, then back at John.

"You got lucky this time, newbie but don't count on someone coming to save you again!"

With those parting words he stormed off, taking care to ram his shoulder into the boy's own before turning around the corner and walking out of sight.

"Are you alright?", asked the stranger and helped John up.
John leaned a bit of his weight onto him for a bit until he found his balance.
He rubbed his hurt hands off on his pants and threw the stranger a wry smile.

"Thanks. I thought that Neanderthal was gonna kill me for sure. I'm John Miller by the way."

The boy beamed at him.

"If he ever tries anything again, don't hesitate to come to me for help, I'm the leader of the student council. I'm Jacques Kim!"

"Jacques? That's French isn't it?"

"Yeah, my dad's Korean and my mom is from France.. I grew up here in Japan though since my parents both got good jobs here."

"That's really cool. Do you speak French or Korean?"



The two continued to talk and were overjoyed when they realized that they had their next class together.
They ate a quick lunch and went to the chemistry room where they sat somewhere in the middle of the room.
The students filled into the room and found their seats soon enough and the teacher shut the door behind him when he entered.
And with that the lesson began.

John knew this was an elite school but he was still surprised at how difficult the tasks were.
He had to read much of the book to even be able to complete some of them when he usually just glanced over them and did the tasks in 5 minutes at his old school.
Jacques was unfortunately no help as he didn't even understand the explanations in the book.
His new friend wasn't alone though, when John looked around he saw that most people were just as lost as him.
Eventually the teacher decided that the students had enough time to work and told everyone to close their books and tell the class their answers.
There was an uncomfortable silence and everyone looked down to avoid the teachers stern gaze.
He could tell that even the ones that had some answers didn't want to say anything in fear of saying something wrong.
John quickly skimmed his sheet again and then confidently raised his hand.
The other's insecurity wouldn't hold him back from succeeding.
The teacher smiled and John already opened his mouth to read his answer when the he called out: "Of course, yes please Mr Reiner!"

Wait, what?
John turned around and saw a red-headed boy sitting in the very back, tucked away in the corner.
His hair was dark and curiously enough his eyes were the same reddish brown as Big Guy from earlier.
He recited a perfectly worded solution to the task.

"Yes, that's correct. Perfect as always", the teacher nodded in appreciation.

Ramon met this with a cool thanks and leaned back in his seat.
He met John's eyes and held the stare for a second before smirking and looking back at the front of the room.
John frowned and also turned back around.
Who did that guy think he was?

He raised his hand again for the next question and got called on this time.
The teacher gave him a brief nod and told him that it was correct.
That was it.
No big smile or praise for him.
John was going to change that, just wait.
The bell rung and John and Jacques
packed their stuff away.

Since it was the first school day of the year, it was shorter and so they were already free to go home if they didn't want to look at the different clubs.
John didn't have any interest in that and so he left together with Jacques.
The left through the gate and John was going to the bus station when Jacques softly grabbed his arm.

"Hey, I know it's late but do you want to go down town with me? You probably didn't have much time to look around yet, right? Most shops are closed now but the diner and some other cool places are still open.. They wanna make money of the kids from our school. "

John hesitated for a second.
He never really hung out with anyone after school before but... Jacques was really nice and it's not like he particularly wanted to go home.
John smiled a bit.

"Yeah sure, that sounds really great actually."


Author's Note:
For those wondering, yes Jacques speaks basic French and Korean but his family mostly speaks Japanese at home.

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