Chapter 9: Breaking The News

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General Pov:

"What do you mean GONE?"

"Gone as in the little shit wasn't in his room. It was empty."

Ramon couldn't fucking believe this.

"W-where did he go?", asked Juanpé from behind them.
Jonathan lifted his hand and hit the blackhaired boy in the back of the head.

"He didn't GO anywhere dipshit. He's in a coma! Someone or something took him."

"But who", said Ramon and let himself sink down onto the plush couch, "would want to do that? We know that Rambo didn't do it or we'd have heard about it by now and I can't think of anyone else who had an issue with that boy!"
He threw his hands up in exasperation.

Ted beside him on the couch looked uneasy and cleared his throat to speak:".. You don't think it was THEM do you?"

Ramon and Jonathan halted at that.
Another coven of vampires who had their main base at the other end of town, in the surrounding forest.
And it just so happened that they were also huge cunts who looked down on them for adapting to modern human society.
It would be just like them to snatch the little human away from them if they caught wind of what happened.

"Fuck", said Jonathan and Ted at the same time.

"Well then we should ask them to give him back shouldn't we?", asked Juanpé.

"Of course!", grinned Ramon which made the smaller boy beam back, "let's just waltz right up into their evil lair and ask them nicely to help us instead of driving a fucking stake through our hearts. Not that any of them know what a heart even is so they'd probably miss."

Juanpés smile had dropped back to an uncertain and hurt expression.

"Come on Ramon leave him alone. At least HE'S trying to come up with something", growled Ted defensively.

"Keep that tone of yours in check or I'll leash you like a bad dog", warned Ramon in a sugary sweet kind of voice.
Jonathan looked at him a tad worried.
When his voice got like that it was always a sign that he was close to snapping.
Not surprising in this case since he had relied on this little plan to keep his human happy.

Ted meanwhile tensed up all over and clenched his fists.
What most vampires didn't know was that Ted was not only one of them but also part werewolf, which explained his built and superior physical strength.
Rambo wasn't one tho, he was just built like tha

"Take that back."

Juanpé also chimed in to defend his closest friend: "That was really mean, Ramon! He just didn't want us to fight, alright? I won't let you treat him like this! You better say sorry!"

"Why should I? Go to hell, both of you."
Ramon's fake cheery tone had completely dropped at this point and he showed his annoyance openly.
He walked past them towards the stairs, but whirled back around at the last second before acending: "How dare you accuse ME of not not trying to come up with a plan when the initial hospital break-in was MY idea!? And it would have fucking worked if Jonathan wasn't being fucking useless as always. I should have known better than to trust HIM with something as important as this.
I should have just gone myself.
Now, if you need me, I'll be in the library to actually come up with a useful strategy while you lot laze around down here and just wait for me to take the fucking lead. As always."

And then he was gone.

The other three stayed silent for a moment.
They started at the ground or after Ramon until Jonathan crossed his arms:
"Tsk. What a fucking asshole", he tried to go for indifirential but the tightness of his voice was plain for everyone to hear.
He glared at the stairs for a second before walking off to somewhere else in  the house, not looking back at Juanpé or Ted.

"I-is he going to be okay?", questioned Juanpé and bit down on his lip in worry.

Ted put a hand on his shoulder and gripped in what he hoped gave the other some comfort.
"Of course he will. It's Jonathan. He doesn't care about stuff like this, you know that."

Juanpé leaned into him and Ted pulled him close but he couldn't shake the feeling that the smaller boy might be onto something this time.


Ramon Pov:

Ramon was still fuming when he reached the top floor.
How dare they?
They would still be fucking no names living in the gutter if it wasn't for him getting them out.
Everything they as a coven achieved in life was thanks to him and him alone.
And now the one time he really needed their help they didn't fucking deliver.
He knew, he KNEW they didn't care about John and that was okay.. But did they not care about him either?
He hissed in frustration when his vision swam with tears.
Now that was just pathetic.
He roughly rubbed them away with his forearm and stormed into the direction of the library.
He heaved open the heavy doors and slumped down at a desk near a window and took out some paper and a pen to jot down all the ideas swimming around in his head, which wasn't either since his thoughts were filled with the argument from downstairs.
He held the pen over the sheet but the words just wouldn't come to him.
He sighed and looked at the ceiling, closing his eyes to concentrate.
As soon as he closed them however, they flew back open when a cold sharp blade was pressed against his now stretched throat.
He looked behind him and sure enough his gaze met that of a scared and livid John who gripped hilt of the knife like a lifeline.

"What. Did. You. Do. To. Me."

❝𝐁 𝐈 𝐓 𝐄 | 𝐁𝐨𝐲 𝐱 𝐁𝐨𝐲❞Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora