Chapter 8: Undercover

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Jonathan Pov:

He really was fucking doing this.
Of course had it been up to him to him he would've stayed at home, well out of this mess.
But Ramon made sure that it was also his mess now by bringing the human boy into their house.
He needed to fix this.

He snapped his left rubber glove on with a loud snap and a lingering stinging sensation on his pale skin.
He couldn't believe that he out of all people had agreed to do this but he had to admit that he was the only one who CPULD do this successfully.

Ted the big oaf was never going to pass for a doctor and would probably manage to destroy some of the equipment somehow.

Juanpé was too fucking stupid for this mission.

Rambo was completely out of the question.

And Ramon was too busy acting like a besotted nutcase.

Well maybe it was a good thing that they sent him.
At least he wouldn't have to see them for a while.
Jonathan sighed, pulled up his mask and entered the hospital.
The size of the building was both a blessing and a curse.
For one he wouldn't stand out as one of the many doctors walking around but on the other hand he would have difficulty navigating the many hallways and finding Jacques.

He exhaled in relief when he quickly spotted a floorplan in the entrance hall.
He headed over to it and memorized it, not needing to take a picture since he wasn't a fucking idiot.
He located the high security wing which was much smaller compared to the rest and then took off, not wasting any time.
He made sure not to rush too much and instead relaxed his posture.
No one spared him a single glance.

He reached the wing without any interference but this was were it got tricky.
The area may not be as big as the normal ones but it was still sizable enough.
Well, he guessed there was no other option but to search for the little shit.
Though maybe it wasn't as bad as it sounded since he could use his supernaturally strong senses of smell and hearing to look out for signs of life.
The first few rooms he passed were empty, but soon enough his ears picked up on the beeping of some machine in one room and labored breathing in another.

He headed to the room with the beeping first and could make out the silhouette of a man lying down on a bed hidden behind a hospital screen.
He strode over to it and pulled the screen back only to let out an annoyed sigh.
It wasn't Jacques.
The man was tall, blonde and most importantly wide awake and eying him in confusion and slight fear.
He was about to tell the guy to just go back to sleep or whatever when footsteps approached in the hallway.
They were coming straight towards this room.
Double fuck.
A doctor specifically assigned to this patient would know that he had no business being here.
He looked around for a hiding place but quickly scratched that idea.
Blondie over here had already seen Jonathan, there was no point in hiding.
He groaned and made quick work off taking off his coat and face mask, storing them in the little cabinet beside the hospital bed.

"W-what are you doing?? Who even are you? Doctor Taoa didn't mention you."

"Shut up", said Jonathan and swiftly twisted the man's head around, snapping his neck.

Next he opened the closet which housed a few of the patient's clothes and dragged his corpse over to stuff it inside.
Lastly he snatched his hospital bracelet, put it on himself and layed down in the now vacant bed.
He pulled the sheets up and closed his eyes to feign sleep.
The things he did for his roommates.
They better leave him the fuck alone for at least a century after this.

The door opened almost silently and the doctor stepped in.
He seemed to halt for a second before suddenly rushing towards in him at a much faster speed than before.
The sheets were practically ripped back and a gloved hand pressed gently but firmly down on the side of his neck which led to the man letting out a frankly obscene string of curses.
He pulled the sheets back over him and took a step back.

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