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Ka inbual zawh hnu chuan dinner siam ka peih loh avangin pizza leh arsa ka order a, T.v enpah chuan alo thlen hun ka nghak a.

Rei vak lo ka nghah hnu chuan ka thil order chu lo thlengin T.v enpah bawk chuan ka ei a. Ka eizawh veleh room ah chho nghal in ka phone chu ka charge a, dawhkana customer phone ka hawn pawh notification alo thleng leh chiah.

Tum lawk em em pawh nichuang lo in ka hmet eng a, Twitter atang chuan noti thar 50 chuanglai hi alo awmbelh a, phone neitu thil tweet atang vekin a lo ni a. Tweet ve nasa hle mai, tiin ka ngaihtuah a.

Ka laptop on ka tum chu alo low vek chu niin, vawiin nilengin ka charge lo tih ka hrechhuak zui nghal a, ka chhuah nilen hi chuan engemaw tal ka theihngilh ziah reng ani.

Phone leh laptop charge ta chu tihtur ka hre lo hle. Ka phone hawn lah chu a khat tawkin noti a rawn thleng reng bawk si.

Tihtur hre lo a ka thut ngawih reng lai chuan noti chu a rawn thleng ri leh tleng a, ka tum lawk pawh ni em em lo in phone chu ka ban a. Ka hmeh en a ka'n khawih chuan password pawh a dah miah lo.. He phone neitu hi mi mak ve tak chu a ni! A phone bo pawh ngaihvenin a rawn call miah lo a, chutah tunlaia an uar em em phone lock pawh a ti ve hek lo!

Twitter noti chu a tam em avangin ka en chak ta tlat. Twitter app chu ka hmet ta ngawt a.

Noti rawn thleng reng chu enge ni zozai enchakin notification section ah chuan ka lut nghal vat a, a thil tweet tuemawni in a Like na hlir alo ni a, eng em em nge a tweet hriatchakin a chung ber ami chu ka click a.

A Tweet tha phian lehnghal, a tweet dang dang ho pawh chu ka en zel a

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A Tweet tha phian lehnghal, a tweet dang dang ho pawh chu ka en zel a.

A Tweet tha phian lehnghal, a tweet dang dang ho pawh chu ka en zel a

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Ka mit la deuhtu thu ka hmuh chuan ka ngaihtuahna a ti thui hle mai

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Ka mit la deuhtu thu ka hmuh chuan ka ngaihtuahna a ti thui hle mai..

A thil tweet atang hi chuan mi inngaihtuah nasa ve mi tak anih duh hmel hle, thu leh hla lam pawh a thiam hmel hle bawk

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A thil tweet atang hi chuan mi inngaihtuah nasa ve mi tak anih duh hmel hle, thu leh hla lam pawh a thiam hmel hle bawk.

Hi! I'm Yoongi, wanna play with me? 😄

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Hi! I'm Yoongi, wanna play with me? 😄

Umm.. Dam chuan naktukah cafe ah alo kal leh hun ka lo ngaihchan ngei chu a ngai ang, a phone ala duh a, ala mamawh anih ngai chuan..

Phone ka charge full hnu chuan muchungin ka hmet ta mai mai a, eng engemaw ka enkual hnu chuan zan alo rei ta bawk a, mu tur chuan ka inpuahchah a.

Those fake tweets (images) are MINE and please do not take it out anywhere without credit•

Khing a chunga Fake Tweets ho khi ka Ta an ni a, credit tello a khawngaiha min lo lakchhuahsak lo turin ka ngen a che u! 🫰🏻

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