Chapter 26

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Minnow rushed to her old friend, nearly crashing into him as their pelts collided and they fondly rubbed muzzles. Again, Minnow painfully remembered Flamepelt's untimely death, and a hole in her heart seemed to be filled as soon as she set her eyes on him. The last time she'd visited StarClan, she hadn't been able to see him. But now, here he was, right in front of her.

"Oh, Flamepelt," she whispered. "I've missed you so much."

The ginger warrior's purr rumbled like thunder in Minnow's ears. "I missed you, too," he murmured into her ear.

At last the two broke apart, and Flamepelt looked Minnow up and down, shaking his head as if in disbelief. "You've changed," he said simply.

"A lot has happened," Minnow replied. She hesitated, then spoke again. "I... I'm sorry."

Flamepelt gazed at her warmly. "You have nothing to apologize for," he told her. "I've never blamed you, not for one moment. I only wish we could've had more time together."

Minnow was nearly taken aback at the attitude and wisdom that she felt radiating from her old friend, as if his time in StarClan had changed him. Why wouldn't it? She thought. "So do I," she admitted. "I don't even know what my life would be like if all of this hadn't happened."

Flamepelt purred again. "I'm so very proud of you," he said. "I want you to know that. And even though I can't be part of your future, I want you to know that I always loved you. And I'll always be there to guide you from StarClan."

Minnow's heart swelled with love, then sank almost immediately as Apollo's handsome face and mischievous eyes flashed through her mind. Once again her heart ached, like it was tearing in two. She knew that she had accepted Flamepelt's death long ago, but part of her felt guilty facing him now, knowing how she had come to feel about the dark-pelted loner.

Flamepelt seemed to read her thoughts. "He's a good cat, Minnow," he meowed. "I can't ever be with you, and I'll always be waiting for you in StarClan. But he's waiting for you in the forest." His whiskers twitched as he gazed at her with loving eyes. "You aren't the same cat I once knew, the cat I fell in love with. You're better. You've changed in ways most cats never do. You should embrace who you are now, and what your life has become. And that includes every cat you've met and come to love along the way."

Minnow could hardly find the words to say. "Thank you," she breathed.

Flamepelt leaned forward to touch his nose to Minnow's. "There's a place for him in RiverClan, if he so chooses," he whispered. "There's a place for both of you."

Minnow closed her eyes and leaned into Flamepelt, breathing in his scent. He soon pulled away, and she almost protested, but she felt herself being tugged away from him, into the distance; it was time to go back.

"Goodbye, Minnow," Flamepelt said to her, backing away. "May StarClan light your path." His form was growing distant as he spoke, nearing the horizon. "We are always with you." More starry pelts began to gather around him as other StarClan cats gathered at his side, and Minnow recognized them all: Shadebelly and Breezekit, then Ashstar and Blacktail, and lastly Beechclaw, Sweetstripe, and Bristlepelt. Their distant faces were full of pride as they nodded a farewell to her, and it was the last image in Minnow's mind before everything faded out again.

There was a distant echo of muffled voices, and the soft bubbling of water, and the softest, sweetest breeze that lulled Minnow awake. Her pelt felt heavy and her eyelids seemed to be weighed down, but she could feel the sun's warmth beating down on her and one thought sounded in her mind.

I'm alive.

"Minnow!" Her hearing fully returned and she heard a familiar voice calling to her. "Minnow!" She mustered all her strength and managed to open her eyes, at once meeting the wide-eyed gaze of Smokey. Immediately her friend's face was washed with relief, and she nearly collapsed on the ground. "You're okay!" She exclaimed. "We... we thought you were dead. We were afraid Jay didn't pull you out in time."

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