Chapter 22

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 The patrol moved quickly, nearly flying over the forest floor as they pressed on. The dangling branches of willow trees brushed their pelts and the ferns were soft underpaw, but all Minnow could hear was the rushing of blood in her ears. They were so close to the RiverClan border, and before Minnow could even stop to think about what she was about to do, they were past it and in RiverClan territory. Still they pressed on.

"So what exactly is the plan here?" Apollo called to the others as they ran. Minnow glanced at him, and a rush of admiration surged through her. She wished she could stop and take a moment to thank him for coming along, and for all he'd done for her in the past few moons. When she had first met him, she would never have guessed that they would eventually grow this close. And now, they were going head-first into an unpredictable battle, neither of them knowing what to expect.

"Smell that?" Sorrelstream called back. Minnow took a deep whiff of the air, letting the familiar scent of RiverClan and its territory bathe her tongue. Anxiety clawed at her. "That's RiverClan! Don't attack cats with that scent!"

They were close to the RiverClan camp now, and Minnow's mind was racing as quickly as her paws. This is it, she thought. It's bad enough I'm back beneath StarClan's skies. The faintest sounds of battle sounded from ahead; they were just a few heartbeats away. Just a little farther and my whole world comes crumbling down.

Everything seemed to slow as the patrol drew closer, and Minnow's mind grew still for a short moment. What have I become? She thought. Do I really only care about myself? Do I only care about keeping my secret, and about living in my own little world? Minnow saw the cats around her: Sorrelstream, her oldest friend, who had risked the lives of her Clan and kits to call for aid from Minnow; Jay and Smokey, who had taken her in when she was at her lowest, and given her a home and a purpose; and Apollo, who had helped her to rediscover herself and provided her with a bond she hadn't known she needed. They weren't a Clan, but they were the closest thing to that since Minnow had left RiverClan. Whatever they did, they would do together, and right now, that meant saving RiverClan from potential destruction. No matter what curses lay over her, Minnow knew deep down that there was nothing she wouldn't do to help save RiverClan.

And just like that, the battle was upon them. Yowling and screeching drowned out the sounds of the forest and the scent of blood was heavy in the air as the patrol, led by Sorrelstream, burst through the back wall of the RiverClan camp. All around them were fighting cats, and scattered debris from the tattered, battle-torn camp.

Minnow wasted no time in turning to Sorrelstream. "Get to your kits!" she ordered, and her friend nodded once, eyes filled with gratitude, and turned away, bounding off. It was hard to tell friend from foe as cats swarmed around her, and for the first time since they left the barn, she felt genuine fear. Near the camp entrance, she spotted Twigtail's brown form tussling with an enemy warrior, and Cherryheart's tortoiseshell pelt guarded the elders' den, though Troutleap was reared up and battle-ready behind her. Minnow could hardly even recognize some of the RiverClan warriors; they'd all grown and changed so much since she had left. Mudpelt and Poppywhisker were fighting side by side outside the medicine den, and Nightwhisper was struggling to drag Specklefur, injured, away from the fighting.

Finally Minnow spotted a familiar cat, one she knew she could trust. Without a word she sprinted over to Tawnyclaw, the other cats behind her, and jumped out in front of him. Blood dripped down his face from a deep gash above his eye as well as from his teeth, bared in a snarl. His dark pelt was covered in scratches and he was missing large clumps of fur. "Where do you need us?" Minnow asked, shouting over the noise of the battle.

Tawnyclaw stopped dead, his blue eyes widening in shock, his flanks heaving as he fought for breath. He stared at Minnow like he was seeing a spirit of StarClan, then his gaze flicked to the three battle-ready cats at Minnow's side. As much as Minnow wanted to stop and talk to her former mentor, she knew there were more important things right now, and braced her muscles to fight, flattening her ears and drawing out her claws. Seeming to understand the situation, Tawnyclaw at last gave a firm nod. "Birchstar and Bristlepelt led a patrol to Sunningrocks, but they can't keep up! Go there!" As soon as the words were out of his mouth, turned and was gone, back into the fray.

Wasting no time, Minnow spun and bolted for the camp entrance, trying hard to ignore the fighting cats around her. If she was needed at Sunningrocks, that's where she would go. Her heart nearly stopped cold as she and the other barn cats leaped over a still gray form just outside camp, and she barely recognized Beechclaw. For a moment, she wondered if they had come too late, if she had wasted too much time reasoning with herself about coming at all, but she knew she couldn't worry about that now. They were here, and that's what mattered. Together, they raced for the river.

The sound of battle was everywhere as Minnow, Jay, Smokey, and Apollo practically threw themselves across the rain-swollen river to the other side. Blood was splattered all over the rocks and awful screeching filled the air, angry and frightened. Together, they joined the fighting. Minnow spotted the lean gray shape of Cinderfrost struggling under a massive dark ginger WindClan tom and raced forward, bowling the tom off of her. He hissed and fought under Minnow as she sank her claws into his pelt, and she nipped at his shoulder, feeling her teeth break skin. Kicking up with his hind feet, he shoved Minnow off and ran away. Regaining her footing, Minnow turned to Cinderfrost to check if she was okay.

Cinderfrost's expression was shocked as she pulled herself off the ground, eyes wide. She nodded a quick thanks and returned to the battle. Minnow looked around for other cats to help, but her stomach dropped as she spotted an orange and white pelt laying still on the stones a few tail-lengths away. Nearly crying out, she ran over to see Bristlepelt, his gaze empty and pointed towards the sky. Blood ran from his still-open mouth, and his pelt was shredded and bloodied. Anguish overcame Minnow and she yowled in despair. This is a slaughter, she thought helplessly as she stared at her dead father. Rage coursed through her. It's time to fight.

The Loner's Trial (A Shrouded Path book 2) {COMPLETE}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora