Chapter 21

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 The dark clouds moved in quickly and soon heavy rain descended over the forest and the Twoleg farm, drenching the ground and littering it with huge puddles. After nearly three days of rain, the barn cats were relieved to see that the clouds had moved on, and the sun shone brightly again. Now that greenleaf was here in full force, it was hot and the air was thick with humidity. It was hard to spend too long outside the barn during the day, so the cats didn't do much battle practice. Sometimes, Minnow would swim in the pond to cool off, and other times her friends would join her.

Just two days after the rain subsided, the heat seemed to have slackened a bit, and Minnow was relieved to not have to stay in the barn for fear of scorching her pelt. She and the other cats, including Oliver and the kits, basked in the sun outside on the warm grass, purring contentedly. Minnow was half-asleep when a distant screech caused her to jump.

"Minnow!" The call came from far away, and Minnow scrambled to her paws, looking frantically around her. Then she spotted movement at the top of the hill that led to the forest, and streaking towards the barn, faster than Minnow had ever seen any cat run, was Sorrelstream. "Minnow!" she called again as she got closer, her voice thick with fear.

The other cats had risen as well and now stood around Minnow, all with expressions of worry and confusion. Sorrelstream was hurtling quickly towards them and skidded to a halt, and Minnow could see by the size of her friend's belly that she had kitted. A surge of joy ran through her, quickly replaced by fear at Sorrelstream's expression. "Sorrelstream?" she meowed cautiously as the sand-colored warrior gasped and fought for breath, her flanks heaving with the effort. "What's going on?"

Sorrelstream's head snapped up and her eyes met Minnow's, wide as an owl's. "It's happening!" she exclaimed. "It's happening right now!"

Minnow padded forward slowly, her heartbeat growing faster. "What's happening?" she asked, but somehow she already knew.

Sorrelstream's breath was evening out, but fear-scent still rolled off of her in waves. "ThunderClan and WindClan!" she mewed frantically. "They're invading RiverClan! We're outnumbered and we need help! They're being led by Copperfoot and Wasptail!"

Minnow's blood ran cold and her breathing stopped for the shortest moment. Copperfoot's face flashed through her mind, and she remembered her dream. So they have been planning something all along, she thought to herself.

"Come on, we can't waste any time!" Sorrelstream's voice tore Minnow from her thoughts.

Minnow took a step backwards. "What do you mean?" she asked.

Sorrelstream's expression remained frantic. "I mean, we have to go now! RiverClan is outnumbered!" she repeated. "We need you!"

Minnow hesitated, feeling everyone's eyes on her. For a moment she felt like she was being torn into pieces, and panic began to set in. She knew all too well what returning to the Clan territories would do to her former Clanmates. If she went back now, the curse would resume taking the lives of RiverClan cats. And without a doubt, Minnow knew that that would be far worse than whatever ThunderClan and WindClan were doing right now.

"No," she said softly, the word painful on her tongue.

"What?" Sorrelstream cried.

Minnow couldn't bear to meet Sorrelstream's gaze. "I can't go back, and you know that. It's not safe. I'm sorry." She imagined the waves of enemy warriors bearing down on RiverClan, and she squeezed her eyes shut, hoping to block it out. It pained her to tell Sorrelstream no, but she knew in her heart that it wasn't a good idea to go back. Aside from the curse, Minnow knew that if she returned to help, it would reveal that she was alive. Selfishly, she wanted them to believe otherwise, and she felt guilt gnawing at her. All she wanted to do was remain here at the barn, dead to the Clans, free from the burdens of StarClan and forest life. "I know RiverClan can handle their problems on their own." Even saying those words hurt, knowing the danger that RiverClan was currently in.

Sorrelstream was silent for a few moments, and no other cat spoke a word either. After what felt like an eternity, Sorrelstream screeched, "You can't be serious!" Minnow finally looked at her friend, whose fearful expression was now mixed with rage. "The Clan you once loved is being torn apart! We need help if we're even going to survive this attack! I risked so much to come find you!" Her voice was growing louder as she continued on. "I left my kits to come here! Our camp is being attacked and I left them, hoping that you would come back with me!" Her voice cracked with emotion at the end, and Minow felt a change.

"Okay," she said simply. There was no way she could stay away from this battle, she knew in her heart. No matter what StarClan had done to her, no matter that RiverClan had once hated her, she knew Smokey had been right before. A part of her would always belong in RiverClan, and despite the curse and the moons that separated her life in RiverClan from her life now, RiverClan would always be her Clan. And right now, they needed her. "I'll come back."

Sorrelstream visibly relaxed, and gratefulness washed over her face. "Thank you," she breathed.

"I'm coming too." Minnow was caught by surprise at Apollo's voice, and turned to look at him. His face held a look of gritty determination. "If RiverClan needs help, I'll join the fight as well."

"So will we," Jay added before Minnow could say anything, sharing a quick nod with his mate.

"After all you've done for us," Smokey meowed, "this is the least we can do in return. We'll come, too."

"What about Storm and Rose?" Minnow asked, eyeing the two kits, who were watching the conversation unfold with mixed expressions of excitement and fear. "They'll need someone to stay with them."

"I'll do it," Oliver said immediately. He met Minnow's gaze evenly. "Go help your Clan," he said to her before turning to Jay and Smokey. "Come home to your kits."

Looking at the cats around her, Minnow thought that she couldn't be more proud of the unity and spirit they were all showing. She was still apprehensive about what she was about to do, but she didn't have time to think about it. "Come on, we have to go now!" Sorrelstream said quickly before turning tail, going back in the direction she had come. Without another word, the other four cats followed, racing quickly up the hill, the rush of the upcoming battle settling over them as they headed for the forest.

The Loner's Trial (A Shrouded Path book 2) {COMPLETE}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें