Part 3 - Liz's Pov

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I finished taking my nightly shower, and began to type random words into Instagram, trying to find someone to talk to who isn't a total asshole, like all of my friends

"Salty" after scrolling a little bit through the profile section I see a user "Salty.Space"

"That's a fun name" I think aloud, how is it a fun name, I'm not sure, but I like the way it rolls off my tongue

I click on her profile, she posts a lot of her cat, and occasionally there's a dude, (maybe her brother or friend) with her head in the corner blurred out

I added her, and messaged her, she seemed weirded out that I added her. But she seems super sweet, so I'm gonna fight to befriend her

Maybe this time I'll just wait for her to text me first

Fallen - LGBT Love StoryNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ