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This story reminds me of the song "Flowers in my hair" by Wes Reeve
The song is just fucking perfect, it sounds beautiful, it's fun to sing, and listen to, honestly I listen to it when I write this story

Liz - Lesbian, She/her
Cora - Lesbian, She/They
Owen - Bisexual, They/Them (he is ok but not preferred) (non binary masc)

The rest of this is said in the description
-This is an LGBT story, don't hate on it if you don't support it, just click off don't be an ass
-Its *almost* enemies to lovers trope
-im not a good writer and I don't expect this to get big, so don't expect perfection
-It isn't all messages just the first part

I HAND DREW THE COVER PAGE (someone please congratulate me I'm so proud, I didn't have a reference or anything(I suck at drawing without reference, sometimes even with))

Fallen - LGBT Love StoryKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat