Part 5 - Liz's POV

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Ok well now I'm on a scavenger hunt, what can make a girl stick out like a sore thumb..

-Dyed hair
-Short hair
-Hardcore emo
-Sits at lunch completely alone

Except, we don't have any hardcore emos (just softcore emos) at my school, so that's out. Since I go to an accepting school, a lot of the girls already have dyed hair or short hair

So all I can really rely on is being a total loner

The problem is, a lot of the loners run away from me because I did have a mean streak in middle school

It won't hurt to try though!

The next day

I'm in my final period before lunch thinking about the girl I've been talking to, until the bell rings

I walk towards the lunch room slowly looking for anyone walking alone, or maybe sticks out super well

I only really notice two people who stick out Cora McNeely, and Owen Spring, honestly they only really stick out because they were loners I targeted the most that befriended each other

Owen ran up to her talking really fast and she started laughing, she looks so beautiful when she laughs, her face gets brighter, and she slightly covers her mouth with her hand

I realize what I'm thinking, and notice my "best friend" staring at me I quickly shake those thoughts out of my head to deal with for another day

"Hey I need to talk to some people during lunch today so just hang out with the group" I say to her darting for the lunchroom

I walk into the lunchroom, not getting lunch, looking around, I see the first girl I want to go up to, she has dyed blonde hair with black roots growing out. She's sitting with a few other people but they aren't talking to each other

I sit beside her, smiling trying to be friendly, but she gets up flips me off and leaves

I clear my throat trying to get the rest of the other kids attention, they all look up, and before they can run off I say

"Hey hey hey I'm not here to be mean, I'm just wondering if any of you know someone with the insta account Salty.Space?"

They all shake their heads, and go back to minding their own business, I mentally face palm and walk out of the cafeteria to find somewhere else to go

Sometimes I can't stand the group I'm around, so I just need to walk around a little.

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