realizing what's about to come next,

As soon as she needed help, Yunji stepped in and grabbed Jisu and her weapon. 

They all spotted erratic motions close by, and Yunji immediately recognized the monstrous creature.

The headphones they were wearing rang, detecting there were monsters close by.

But, they didn't know how many.

They felt as though monsters were swarming around them as they heard snarls and growls coming from all directions in the parking lot.

In a split second, that same monster shoved Yunji into a vehicle.

Her skull slammed hard on the concrete, and as she shrieked in agony, the vehicle alarm blared, garnering even more attention.

Her hip ached, she thought that it already healed by now...

Yunji looked in front of her and recognized the scars she had previously left on that being she had initially encountered.

It moved extraordinarily quickly towards her, but an arrow wounded one of its eyes, forcing it to fall back and stop.

Its large horse legs glowed as her eyes widened, and she felt something tug at her jacket.

Eunhyuk gripped her shoulder below the automobile. He heard the thing walk after turning to look at the blood that was trickling down her forehead.

As the thing moved closer to the car they were under, he gently removed the car keys from his chest pocket and pressed the alarm button of a random car key.

The thing moved towards the vehicle and shattered the headlights while it made an audible noise.

As soon as Eunhyuk and Yunji exited, he repeated his strategy while pressing the alarm button, which caused the monster to get preoccupied.

Yunji picked up her axe off the ground and started running alongside Eunhyuk before stopping when she spotted a suitable van for them to ride.

"Eunhyuk, keys! "

As the man approached the van and unlocked it, she gestured. They noticed four figures after hearing another automobile go off.

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