Chapter 7

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Eunhyuk rounded up three additional people,

Sangwook, Jisu, and Jaeheon.

The five of them teamed up to enter the basement. Eunhyuk was carrying his crossbow on which he had fastened a flashlight.

Sangwook used his regular hammer, while Yunji was close by him with the modified axe that Mr. Han had made specifically for her.

Jisu was following them with her metal bat and another flashlight, followed by Jaeheon, who was wielding a katana.

They looked all over the dark parking lot, it was surprisingly silent.

Until they heard a lot of metal clanking, 

When Yunji began to feel nervous, she made the decision to prevent Eunhyuk from walking any further,

"What? " he cast a quick glance her way, the others were wondering why they had stopped so unexpectedly.

Yunji turned her illuminated object towards the side of her and noticed a recognizable figure standing there suspiciously.

The others froze as they saw the figure,

it still had a bleeding foot, as well as its neck almost breaking into two.

While it was on guard, Jaeheon attempted to move ahead in order to kill it, but Yunji stopped him.

"I think it's asleep, let's not wake it up."

She muttered as she approached close to where Hyunsu may be.

They flashed with their headlights on a slimy cocoon that was dangling over the ground there.

Although, Yunji became aware that the slime covering Hyunsu was gradually drifting back to the vents, she furrowed her brows.

Yunji looked at the four behind her, and then at her axe.

The axe's handle was redesigned by Mr. Han into a sharp sword made of molten kitchen knives that could be separated from the axe, making it into a pair of separate weapons.

Jaeheon and Jisu braced for Hyunsu's fall as Sangwook and Eunhyuk kneeled to assist Yunji in freeing Hyunsu from the spider web.

Jisu and Sangwook supported him with his shoulders on theirs because he was knocked unconscious as she successfully cut the web off him.

Jaeheon, Yunji, and Eunhyuk were on the lookout. Keeping the three safe from any close threat,

Jisu touched her abdomen and whimpered in pain, and suddenly she dropped. 

Her metal bat makes a piercing noise that echoed throughout the room,

They stared at each other with pure fear,

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