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In the end, Jade didn't ask Iris much about the Lockharts. After all, that was all she knew.

She learned something that might help of course - how the Lockharts tried to erase Theodore Lockhart IV's existence by having the Third be formally engaged to a Sinclair, only for it to be ruined because he died of "food poison".

"What exactly did we get from Iris Lockhart?" asked Fino once they were on their way back to the Manor.

"You said we'll have a meeting with everyone soon, right? I'll tell it to you then. I don't want fo repeat myself."

"Jade, we're your bodyguards," Kieran reminded her. "Tell us everything first."

Jade groaned. "Fine. I found a letter from Nana that's addressed to Jinx. She told him he could give it to me so I'm not breaking any confidentiality here," she raised a hand. "Anyway, she said she killed Theodore Lockhart III."

Kieran and Fino were silent for a moment, something Jade wasn't expecting from them when it came to juicy news.

"This is the part where Kieran will say he'll be busier because we can now investigate deeper."

"Well," Fino said. "We already know that."

Jade hit the back of Fino's car seat with her palm. "And you didn't tell me?!"

"Your mom told us about it. She said we shouldn't tell you about it because it's a sensitive topic and that she'll tell you when she's ready." Kieran looked at her through the mirror and gave her an apologetic smile. "Lockhart IV has long been a suspect for your grandmother's death. What we're looking for more information is if Astra is also working behind the scenes or if there's some other person involved."

She slowly pulled away from the front seats, feeling betrayed.

"Jade, we're sorry. We just don't want you getting involved in this one. It's really dangerous. You saw what happened to your cousin," Fino apologized. "We don't want you to get hurt like that."

Ignoring them, she looked away and watched the scenes outside pass by.

The two bodyguards didn't explain further to Jade as both sides knew why did they what they did. It was just hard for Jade to digest that she was the only one who was left behind with all the important details about her family.

"We're here," Kieran said when they arrived outside the Manor.

Fino quickly went outside to open Jade's car. Once he did, he tried catching her gaze to apologize but the teen kept her sight on the boy waiting for her outside the Manor with Atieno.

"You're here," she said.

Theodore Lockhart V smiled at her, though he was nervous. "Atieno pushed me to his car and brought me here."

All of them went inside the Manor after the short interaction.

One house helper led Theodore to the dining area while Jade went straight to her room to change.

This day is getting longer and longer, she said when she arrived inside her room.

After taking a quick half bath and a change of clothes, she tied her hair in a bun and went downstairs for dinner.

Outside the dining area, Jade took a deep breath. Don't embarrass yourself tonight, Lyra Jade.

She opened the door and saw her parents seated at their usual spots around the dining table. Theodore, on the other hand, was seated in front of his mother - the seat always sits on during family dinners.

"He's on my seat," she said absent-mindedly.

Philip looked over his shoulder as soon as he heard her. Flashing her a smile, he said, "I let him sit here because we wanted to talk to him without an awkward vacant seat in between."

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