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3 days ago

"I quit?" Jade read before tossing the phone back to Kieran. "Now he doesn't want to be my bodyguard?!"

"Why are women so complicated?" Fino asked his brother, Kieran, who just shrugged.

The three of them were in Leila's backyard, about to be served barbeque - courtesy of Ira and Justin, who were still apologizing about what happened before in their classroom.

"Is Reverie not coming?" Justin asked when he arrived with the food, placing them on the table in front of Jade and her two bodyguards.

"She has a quiz tomorrow. She doesn't want to flunk."

"What about your other bodyguard?" he probed.

Jade looked at him with tired eyes. "That one's not coming too."

"What happened? Did you tell him to quit?"

"Justin," Fino called out with a threatening tone. "I thought you're here to apologize."

That seemed to bring Justin back to his senses as he blinked twice. "I'm sorry," he bowed and left the table to help Ira bring the remaining barbeque and drinks.

"Kid's got a temper," Fino mumbled.

"Must have sensed something unfamiliar," Kieran said meaningfully, although none of the two caught on. "What are you planning to do with my poor boy, Theodore?"

Jade shot him a glare. "I'm sorry. Is that... favoritism I am hearing?"

Fino chuckled beside her. "Can't blame him. Theodore looks lovely,," He clasped his hands together and smiled like a proud mother. "- when he's concerned with you."

"Why did my grandmother hire him?"

"For your safety, duh," Kieran exchanged teasing looks with his brother.

"Why him?"

"He saved you twice. We saw the potential."

"That was before he got hired? I thought-"

"Yeah, he just had to have the biggest heart out there," Fino said it like he was in a drama, continuing his acting as if he was a mother who was praising a man courting her daughter. "Fast runner too. We literally didn't see him carry you out of that alleyway. It made me question if we needed more exercise. You know how fast the two of us run already."

"Come to think of it...," Jade held her chin, deep in thought. "I remember getting hit with a bullet too but I didn't have any wound when I woke up in his apartment."

"You're probably remembering it incorrectly," Fino said. "But one thing is for sure, Theodore is good at his job even before he got hired. Kid doesn't care if he's being paid, he'll genuinely save anyone who needs help."

"Is this your way of telling me that I should let him continue his job?"

"Well, are you going to let him quit?" Kieran asked, challenging her.

When she learned about the truth behind Justin and their relationship, it took Jade only a day to decide that she no longer wanted to see Justin Hastings step foot in their household.

This time, Kieran could see that she was hesitating. She doesn't know what to do.

"I'll think about it," she said reluctantly, not meeting any of his bodyguards' eyes.

"Jade," Ira finally arrived to their table. "I brought coffee too!" She placed Jade's favorite coffee on the table, smiling at her cousin. "Will you forgive me now?" She pouted.

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