Dunk was silent this time, there were too many loopholes to believe that Khaotung was the perpetrator of Louis and Pawin's book theft. Even if the book was in his bag, the kids wouldn't believe him that easily.

"Do you believe that Khaotung is the thief?"

First raised his head and turned to Marc. Hebdon't know, there was a hesitation that he had to answer Marc's question at this time, which the other kids also wanted to hear.

"First," Marc called again.

Before the kids heard First's answer, their focus was first diverted to a car entering the parking lot.
First who realized that it was Mrs. Thana's car immediately went over.
As Mrs. Thana looked serious, First asked her to calm down.

"Aunty will talk to you later," Mrs. Thana said and then accelerated her footsteps with her husband towards the teacher's room.

Only First dared to follow them, he was also curious about the impromptu meeting.
The gym teacher was seen standing guard in front of the meeting room, and he stopped First from entering the room.

"Can't I just eavesdrop, sir?"

"You're crazy, just wait here."

First looked so worried, he couldn't even see Khaotung's whereabouts as the gym teacher opened the meeting room door slightly.


Mrs. Thana immediately sat next to Khaotung after greeting Louis and Pawin's parents, although there was no reply at least she knew the manners.
Mr. Nan then went back to explain what had just happened to Mrs. Thana about Khaotung, Louis, and Pawin.

"Aren't you and Louis good friends?"

Khaotung then raised his head and looked at Louis.

"Do you really think I stole it?" Khaotung asked Louis.

"Don't you dare pressure my son!"

"Don't raise your voice to my son!" Mrs. Thana immediately shouted back at Mrs. Thanawin. Who knows how much pressure Khaotung was getting here while he was on his way home.

"This is kid's issue, we are here to mediate," Mrs. Thana continued with the teachers including Nan agreeing. Now we know where Khaotung's fierce attitude comes from.

Back to Louis, he was equally pressured by his mother to join in accusing Khaotung. "I don't know, I want to disbelieve but my book is in your bag."

"Why do you think I should do it?" Khaotung asked again.

"Because Louis is your best friend and you still hold a grudge against me over the group chat." Now it was Pawin who answered.

"You did it on purpose to make me back off and let Louis come forward, but apparently we still decided to test together. You were planning to put the book in my bag. Right?"

Khaotung laughed, finding it amusing that the story had just escaped Pawin's lips.

"Son of a bitch."

Khaotung surprised everyone with his swear word.

"Are you really a victim of bullying?" Khaotung asked again.

After that, a glass of water slid quickly into Khaotung's face from Mrs. Win making the situation even worse because Mrs. Thana also did the same to Mrs. Win.
The teachers tried to separate the women from attacking each other, while Khaotung with his sharp gaze continued to stare at Pawin.

The meeting briefly resumed. Khaotung was given one week to prove his innocence. After that, if Khaotung still did not get the proof, then he would have to be transferred from this school as per Louis and Pawin's parents' wishes.

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