Chapter 2 Am I dreaming

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A few days later.

"It will be ok Rebecca" Adam tells Elijah and I, but I know he doesn't really believe that. We have nowhere to go. Adam and I have jobs, but it doesn't pay enough to live off. Mom and dad promised to pay for college and boarding and all our expenses but now we have nothing but a few pairs of clothes.

"Don't overthink it, we will figure it out" Adam says, again trying to calm us. Suddenly everything goes black. I feel a pain in my neck. After a few seconds I feel a pain across my whole body before I lose consciousness. I wake up and feel something over my head. How long was I out? What happened? Where am I? Why can't I see? Why can't I move? I try to move my arms, but something is holding them. Am I tied to a chair? Suddenly the bag on my head is ripped off.

"Hello Rebecca, we've been looking for you for a long time" a deep voice says from behind me. He walks around into my view. Who the hell is this man? I feel like I've seen him before, but where? 

"Who are you" I question trying not to sound scared but failing. I swear we've met before.

"I am Jack's assistant" the man says.

"They told you to kidnap me" I say trying to process what was going on.

"Yes and no. You see we know about the things that hide in the shadows around the world; things like you" he says almost like he's impressed he has knowledge of thing he shouldn't.

"What? Is this about that letter because I don't have power. I'm not the spawn of Satan; I have never hurt anyone. I know mom and dad believed it and the lights exploded but they are old lights, and they explode all the time, ok. Please just let me go. They'll never see me again, I promise." I tell him trying to understand what he thinks, but also trying to seem small and harmless so he'll let me go.

"You lies won't work on me. Jack couldn't bring himself to do what needs to be done. You were his little girl for 18 years after all. It's ok though because I never liked you." he tells me as if I'm trying to deceive him. What is he going to do to me? Why are they all being like this? Maybe I'm dreaming and I'll wake up in my bed. Wait, with all the confusion I forgot I was with Adan and Elijah. 

"Where are my brothers" I ask him. Surly they wouldn't have let this man take me without a fight. Are they hurt? Are they dead? 

"Out of your control. Once we are sure your mind control has worn off them, we'll send them home. Unless you've dug too deep into them; then we'll have to cleanse them or get rid of them." He speaks as if it's just a fact.

"Enough of the distractions. You're going to tell us how many of you are in our world, where all the others are, and their species." he states coldly. Us? Species? What is he talking about? This is all crazy. Perhaps he's schizophrenic and my parents had been taking care of his. Trying to make sure he doesn't kill any one. Maybe this is all a set up to get me to confess to the letter.

"I don't know what you are talking about" I plea with him, but he doesn't seem to care. I hear him leave the room and when he comes back he has a rack full of knives, sword, tasers, and other things I've never seen before. Does he plan to torture the information out of me. I need to escape and find my brothers but how?

"You should have told us. Now we'll just have to make you." he says without emotion.

"Please, I really don't know anything" I beg but he doesn't care. He takes one of the knives off the rack and walks closer to me. I try pulling my arms free as he slices into my arm; but it's no use the chains are too strong. I feel my arm burn with pain as he continues cutting. The torture continues for months. Something was different about today though. They were more rushed and hadn't bothered to ask their routine questions.

I hear the door bust open, like someone kicked it open. What is happening? They must be trying to scare me. I wish I knew the information they wanted but I don't. How long would I have to continue suffering before they realize I don't know anything.

"Princess Rebecca, we found you. It's ok; we won't let them hurt you anymore." a woman says from behind me. Princess? What kind of information tactic is this? She walks around to where I can see her. She reaches out to hit me so I turn my head so may face doesn't get the majority of the impact.

"It's ok princess Rebecca, I would never hurt you" she says in such a sweet voice. It's almost hard to not believe her. To my surprise she unchains me. I must be really weak because she broke them in half easily. I try to stand but before I know it, we're both almost sitting on the floor and I'm in her arms.

"How did you find me? How did you break those chains? Who are you?" I ask without taking a breath between my questions. She picked me up, holding me like her life depended on it.

"All in due time princess Rebecca. Right now we need to go before they call in back up" she says almost like a question.

"What about my brothers" I basically beg.

"We will find them and make sure you are reunited with them" she tells me in a hurry.

"No, I won't leave without them" I demand. The other women with her scatter off quickly. After a few minutes I found myself in a part of the dungeon I had never seen. It was dry, warm, and it looked comfortable. I wince in pain as Adam run up and hugs me.

"You're hurt" Elijah asks as he notices me wince.

"Great, now we must go princess Rebecca" the woman holding me says again as a question. Before I can reply I feel faint. It's happening again. Then I lose consciousness.

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