Chapter 6 Black River

Start from the beginning

Caroline's mate is a warrior. Her name is Penelope. Yes my daughter has a female mate. Once upon a time that type of deal would have been look upon. She used to get a lot of crap for it. Those two have over come a lot.

I turn the radio on turning the volume just low enough to be heard quietly. I reach over for the cookies offering one to Haven. She hesitantly takes one. "So where exactly do you live. Where do I drop you at?" I ask her. She tells me her address. "I still live with my parents." She answers. "How's Luke been. It's been a while since I've seen him." I ask making small talk because I mostly just want to hear her voice and savor it. I'm staying in Black River only for a day. Then I'll go home and start the process of preparing for Haven to come with me. I need an excuse to see her again after this.

"He's fine. Annoying" she says mumbling that last word. If I had been human I would not have heard it. "Well siblings can be annoying. My kids annoy each other too." I say.

Her phone buzzes and she rolls her eyes. "Speak of the devil" she mumbles again. I'm guessing it's Luke. A minute later her phone rings and she answers. "Yes. What do you want?" She says right off the bat with no hello. I listen iron the other side of the conversation using my enhanced hearing. "Well hello to you too. Did you not have your coffee this morning?" Luke says sarcastically.

"Yes I did. Now stop texting me. I'm fine. I'm safe. Ok. Don't worry so much. How am I suppose to move on if you keep hounding me?" She rants at him. I whistle at her reply. She glares at me. "Was that Liam? Put him on the phone." Luke says. Havens heart rate increases. "Uh.. he's driving. He can't talk right now." She lies. She hasn't told her family yet.

"What? No it's fine just hand him the phone." Luke continues to get her to hand the phone over. "No. Luke. He's driving and it's not safe. You wouldn't want him to be distracted talking to you and driving only to hit a tree or something now would you?" Haven argues back at Luke. I chuckle at her reply.

"Wait that doesn't sound like Liam. Are you with Liam right now? Where are you?" Luke demands of her. She glares at me again since mt chuckling gave her away. "Fine. Liam broke up with me ok. His dad is driving me home right now. Ugh want to talk to him?" She yells in the phone.

"Oh my. Haven I'm so sorry. What happened?" A tear slips from her eye. "I..I don't know. Everything was fine but yesterday morning he just ended it and left." She admits to him. "And Alp... Raphael is taking you home? Sorry Alpha King no disrespect my sister doesn't know about this world if your listening." Luke say mumbling the last part to me so low that Haven doesn't hear. I know what he was doing. He almost slipped up but corrected it and had to call me by name for Have's sake.

"It's fine Luke. When I get there I do need to have a meeting with you and your parents. I will mindlink you the when later." I mindlink him. I'm able to mindlink any wolf i want. They can link me back as long as I keep the line open.

For every other werewolf and Lycan they can only mindlink their own pack. My sons can mindlink me and anyone in my pack because they're my sons. If Caroline lived in another pack she could do the same.

Now you can be in a different pack and still mindlink someone apart of a different pack but this only applies if you are family. You may only be able to mindlink your family members. This is called a family link.

"Yes Alpha King. May I ask what its about?" Luke links back. "Hello? Luke are you there?" Haven says. "Finish your phone call with Haven first." I order him. "Yes I'm here. Sorry I was a little distracted." He says awkwardly in the phone. "Um ok?" She says. "Anyway just be safe Haven. I love you. Talk to you later." Luke ends the call after Haven says bye.

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