Chapter 18: New School Blues, Pt. 1

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It was a rough morning for Evie. She had been anxious ever since her Mama and Mommy told her about going to Little's School a week ago, but it felt as though it all culminated to this day. It only took a few moments after she woke up for the first of several tantrums to ignite. 

Camilla and Lucia knew that this was stressful for their little girl so they cut her as much slack as they could, opting not to punish Evie for the tantrums. but rather comfort her through them. School was a new place with a lot of knew people she has never met before. But the way the two Colossi caregivers saw it, she was going to be able to meet other littles just like her. Human littles. 

But Evie wasn't seeing it quite like that just yet. Having tuckered herself out from two more subsequent tantrums after her first one, she spent the short drive to her new school in silence, save for occasional sniffles and whimpers. Camilla decided to sit in the backseat with Evie to help her stay a bit more relaxed.

As they approached the school, Evie visibly tensed up. It was bigger than she had anticipated. Perhaps to a Colossi-sized person, it wasn't all that big, but to a human little like her, it was sufficiently intimidating. At the crest of a long semi-circular driveway was the entrance to the school. Archways decorated as different colors of crayons led to several pairs of double-doors which served as the entrance to the school. 

It didn't help Evie's anxiety that dozens of littles were being dropped off by their caregivers at the same time. All over the sidewalk and grass, littles were giving their caregivers goodbye hugs and kisses before running off excitedly into the school. She supposed it was a good sign that all of the littles looked happy to be there. That gave her a small comfort in an otherwise stressful morning.

The trio pulled into a parking spot in front of the school and got Evie unclipped from her carseat. Camilla was proud of the outfit she had picked out for her little. She looked adorable in her mint green overall dress that she wore over a white t-shirt along with little white sneakers. But despite her overload of cuteness, Evie refused to be put down. Instead, opting to hide her face in her Mommy's neck as the family walked towards the entrance of the school.

"This must be little Evie!" Announced a cheerful voice as they approached.

Evie tensed further into her Mommy's chest, hoping that she could hide from whoever this person was. 

"My name is Ms. Beverly," the woman introduced. Evie could hear the smile on her face. "I'll be Evie's teacher!"

While Mama and Mommy exchanged introductions with Ms. Beverly, Evie stayed put in her hiding spot, finding comfort in the calming sound of her Mommy's heartbeat. But it wouldn't be long before the three Colossi adults were working together to get Evie to say hello to her new teacher. 

After failed attempts to get the little girl out of the crook of her neck, Lucia decided to implement her last resort: tickling. With just a couple fingers to Evie's side, the girl was laughing uncontrollably, forced to exit her hiding spot in order to cease her Mommy's torturous tickles. 

"There she is!" Ms. Beverly cheered as Evie finally turned and looked at her. 

The Colossi woman looked younger than Mommy and Mama. Funny enough, she looked close to the Colossi equivalent of Evie's human age; what would be about her mid-twenties. But still, the woman's physical stature gave her a natural air of authority that Evie felt with every Colossi person she had met. 

Feeling tiny and shy, Evie tried to return to her hiding spot after the initial eye contact with her teacher. But this was met with the cruelest fate of all: being put down and made to stand. The girl whimpered and stomped her foot as her Mommy placed her on the concrete sidewalk before trying to find a new hiding spot by standing behind her Mommy. Though this didn't feel quite as concealing as nestling into her chest. 

After a brief conversation between her mommies and Ms. Beverly, Evie had to say goodbye to Mama and Mommy for the day. Giving their little two of the biggest hugs she'd ever received, Lucia and Camilla each fought back tears as they returned to their car, leaving Evie in the safe care of Ms. Beverly. Even though they would be coming back to get her that afternoon, it was the first time their little girl would be out of their sight since she arrived in Colossus. It was a big day for all of them. 

Watching as her mommies' car drove away, Evie felt her stomach lurch a little bit as sad tears formed in her eyes. Hearing the girl sniffle beside her, Ms. Beverly was quick to come to her aid. 

"I know it's tough Evie," Ms. Beverly said comfortingly as she knelt down closer to the girl, "But they'll be back this afternoon to pick you up. I promise."

Evie looked at her new teacher, who was starting to feel less like a stranger already, "Pinky promise?" She asked, sticking out her small finger. 

"Pinky promise." 

With that, Evie held her teacher's hand as the pair walked into the school building for the first time. Once inside, Evie noticed the layout of the school. On the left was the offices which housed the principal, the school nurse, and the secretary. On the right was a long hallway where all of the littles were walking into classrooms that lined either side. And straight ahead was a big gymnasium which looked to also serve as the cafeteria. 

That was when Evie heard Ms. Beverly speaking.

"Principal Paulson, this is Evie, our newest little student!"

Evie looked up to see a lanyard-clad Colossi woman standing before her. She wore a navy blue suit that was a blend of professional and casual with heels that clicked distinctly with every step. She looked older than Mama and Mommy, but not old old. Her naturally dark bronze hair was sprinkled with tasteful grays. Whoever this lady was, she commanded attention and respect. 

"Hello there, Evie," the woman said in a welcoming yet authoritative tone, "I hear you're the cousin of our own little Bella, is that right?" 

Evie nodded shyly, gulping down the intimidation she felt. 

"Well," the principal continued, "I hope I don't have to see you in my office as much as I see her. That little cousin of yours is quite the troublemaker."

Evie didn't know how to respond so she just remained quiet and squeezed tighter onto Ms. Beverly's hand. 

"I think she'll be a great addition to our school, Principal Paulson," the teacher said enthusiastically, "Plus, Bella's in the 8-10 little's class. Evie will be with me in the 1-4's."

This got the girls attention.

"I not with Bella?" Evie asked nervously.

"No sweetheart," Ms. Beverly replied, "But you'll get to see her at lunch and during recess!" 

This news only further stressed Evie out, as she felt the tears starting to return. 

"Oh there's no need to cry little one!" her teacher comforted, "You'll make plenty of friends in our class!"

With that, Evie and her teacher said their farewells to Principal Paulson and walked down the hallway toward Ms. Beverly's classroom. Through her worries regarding Bella, Evie made a mental note not to get into any trouble with Principal Paulson. That woman is scary

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