Chapter 5: Morning Coffee

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Contrary from the car ride to the airport, the ride back home took well over an hour. Lucia drove about ten miles per hour under the speed limit the whole time, trying to be as careful as she possibly so as to not put her and Camilla's new little girl in any danger. While Camilla would normally get upset over her lack of speed, this time she understood why her wife was driving so carefully. 

Camilla sat in the backseat with Evie, who had long been asleep. Her mouth hung open slightly as she leaned her head comfortably against the padding of the car seat. Still, she clung to her stuffies, keeping them close to her chest. 

Lucia looked back in the rearview mirror every few seconds, getting glimpses of the girl that she and her wife had long been waiting for. She was still in disbelief. Getting that call from Luka in the middle of the night felt as though it was straight out of a storybook. She couldn't help the smile on her face the whole ride home, just so grateful to finally have the family she had always dreamt of. 

The quiet ride home came to an end as the family pulled into their driveway. By this point, the sun's light was just starting to peak through the starry night. Camilla and Lucia had barely slept a couple of hours, but they didn't mind at all. They were happy as could be. 

Lucia carefully unbuckled Evie from her carseat, picking her up and resting the girl's sleepy head on her shoulder. The girl immediately sank into Lucia, making the woman feel a sense of maternal satisfaction that she had only ever gotten glimpses of when she looked after Bella. 

Tip-toeing through the house, being extra careful not to awaken Evie, the women brought their little girl upstairs. Lucia smiled widely as Camilla grabbed the key to unlock the one room of the house that they had yet to use since they moved in a decade before. 

Opening the door, a full nursery sat untouched by little hands. The pair had never even let Bella inside, as it was only meant for their own little girl. The room was decorated with a green a pink color scheme, with walls that had intricately-painted floral designs of branches, leaves, and pink flowers. Outfitted with a bed, crib, changing table, and rocking chair, the women had prepared everything they would need for the day they had long been awaiting. 

Not wanting to overwhelm the girl, the wives silently decided to tuck Evie into the bed rather than the crib. The bed was full-sized, but Colossi full-sized. Meaning Evie was tiny in the midst of its relatively immense proportions. 

Lucia put her arm around Camilla's waist as the pair stood at the foot of the finally-occupied bed. With tears of joy still steadily flowing, the women didn't want to shift their loving gaze from Evie. 

"We should let her sleep, love," Lucia whispered to her wife.

Camilla nodded silently, still not moving a muscle away from the bed. She thought she was in a dream. And if she walked away, the dream would be over and Evie would be nothing but a vague memory in her mind. 

"Come on, baby," Lucia chuckled as she placed a baby monitor on the night stand beside the bed, "she'll still be here when she wakes up."

Finally, Camilla managed to pull herself away from Evie's adorable gravity, but didn't take her eyes off of the girl until she was out the door. The couple made their way downstairs, far too energized by emotion to go back to sleep. 

Lucia immediately got to work on making coffee for the two of them. They weren't tired now, but she knew without caffeine they'd be in a sleepy daze soon enough. She was always the more rational of the relationship, finding it much easier to place her rationality over her emotions. The opposite went for Camilla, who felt everything and acted on her feelings without first thinking more often than not. Together, though, they made a great pair, balancing out each other's weaknesses and highlighting one another's strengths. 

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