Chapter 15: Early Riser

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💜Thank you all for bearing with me and being patient! I'm happy to be back writing and I really really hope you enjoy! Let me know what you think :)💜


Evie awoke the next morning in a fog. Reading that letter from her sister made her mind spiral into thoughts about her family--well, her biological family--and what they were feeling. She didn't mean to scare them. To be honest, she really didn't think they cared about her enough to worry about her absence. It's not like they had been in regular communication since Evie left home. 

It was all too much for the girl's mind to take, and that's why she had slipped deeper than she ever had into her little mindset. She thought about the night before, and how much she enjoyed that feeling of being so small. In the emotional chaos that ensued after she opened that letter, she found a warm and fuzzy peace in her littleness, where she felt safe in the care of her Mama and Mommy. 

Wait, where Mommy and Mama?

Though she wasn't quite as small as she had been the night before, she was clearly not in her big headspace. She sat up, noticing the dim morning sun peaking through the curtains.

"Mama," Evie mumbled as her lip started quivering and tears began to form in her eyes. "Mommy." 

She stood up using the bars of the crib to pull herself. There was no easy way out of the Colossi crib that she could see. The bars went up to her shoulders and wouldn't budge no matter how much she shook them.

"Mommy! Mama!" She repeated, this time nearing a yell. 

The tears were coming in full force now as the little girl worked herself up into an anxious frenzy. She didn't want to be in the crib anymore. She wanted her mommies, with their snuggles and their warmth. 

She gave one last shouting effort for her mommies before she collapsed onto her bottom, her fall cushioned by the soft padding of the crib's mattress. Sobs escaped through the mess of tears and snot that ran down her beet-red face. 

Just when she was about to give up all hope that her Mama and Mommy would come to rescue her, she heard the bedroom door open. It was Mommy!

"Babygirl, what's the matter?" 

Evie stood herself back up and reached for her Mommy, who just as quickly came and lowered the bars of the crib before picking up her little girl. Lucia rocked and bounced the girl on her hip as Evie snuggled into her Mommy's chest. The sound of the woman's heartbeat calmed the girl as she sucked soothingly on her thumb. 

"Are you alright, sweetie?" Mommy asked after a few moments of quiet.

Evie nodded, "Wan' you and Mama." 

"Well I'm here now, love," Lucia replied before kissing the girl's forehead, "We'll always be here."

"Where Mama?" Evie asked, just now realizing that only her Mommy had come to get her. 

"Mama started not feeling too well before bed last night. I think she might have a bit of a cold."

Evie's head shot up to look at her Mommy, "Mama sick?" She asked, worried. 

 "Just a little bit, baby," Lucia answered, chuckling at Evie's worry. For a little, Evie was quite protective. "If she gets enough sleep maybe she'll feel better in the morning!" 

Evie nodded, "Sleep 'portant," she responded seriously, making her Mommy chuckle again. 

"You're right, sleep is important," Lucia emphasized, "Now that we're on the subject. Do you think you can go back to sleep for me,  sweet girl?" 

"Wan' sleep with you an' Mama," Evie answered as she returned her head to Lucia's chest. 

"Alright, but we have to be very careful so that we don't wake up Mama, alright?" 

Evie nodded, content to be in her Mommy's arms and heading to their bed. The moment Lucia put the girl down, Evie quickly but gently made her way to the middle spot she always claimed, cuddling up next to her Mama. Her Mommy made her way back under the covers, where she cuddled up on the other side of her little girl. 

That's when Evie suddenly decided that she wanted to nurse. Turning carefully back towards her Mommy, Evie noticed Lucia eyeing her questioningly. Though, the woman knew exactly what the girl wanted. Evie used her tiny hand to pull at the neckline of her Mommy's tank top. Lucia grinned and rolled her eyes playfully before shifting herself to give Evie access to her breast. She wasn't sure if her milk had come in yet like her wife's had.

But, low and behold, it had! As Evie got herself situated and began suckling, she felt the same warm liquid flow out of her Mommy's nipple. Lucia let out a quiet gasp of excitement, causing Evie to giggle slightly. As Evie settled into her natural rhythm, the pair shared a peaceful moment of connection, looking lovingly into each others eyes. The girl whined as Lucia repositioned herself in order to switch breasts, but soon enough they found comfort once again.

Evie's eyes grew heavy as she nursed. Before long, Lucia noticed that the girl was fast asleep. Carefully unlatching her and returning her tank top back to it's regular place, the woman snuggled closer to her babygirl before planting a soft kiss on her sleeping wife's shoulder. 

Everything she loved in the whole world was in that bed with her, and she was going to savor that moment. 


The next morning, Camilla and Lucia had awoken to the sound of Camilla's alarm. 

"How are you feeling, babe?" Lucia asked in a hushed whisper, careful not to wake the sleeping little between them.

"I actually feel much better!" Camilla replied happily, "I don't know what it was, I just felt awful going to bed last night."

"Well, just to be sure," Lucia began to reply, a look of suspicious scheming on her face, "I think you should call out of work today."

Camilla smiled back in agreement, "You know, that sounds like a good idea. My class can survive with a substitute for a day."

The two shared a quiet kiss before Camilla left the bed to make the necessary calls needed to call out of work for the day. When she returned, she was careful not to wake the sleeping Evie that was snuggled up adorably against her Mommy. But despite her gentle movements, the girl stirred awake as her eyes slowly began to open.

"I'm so sorry baby, I didn't mean to wake you up!" Camilla cooed apologetically before planting a loving kiss on the half-awake girl's forehead. 

"Is' okay, Mama," Evie replied groggily, eyes remaining mostly shut.

All of sudden, the girl's eyes shot open.

"Mama, you feeling sick?" She asked with adorable concern as she scooted her way up onto Camilla's lap, putting her palm on the woman's forehead to check for a fever.

Camilla and Lucia shared a laugh as they cooed at their sweet little. 

"You are such a sweetheart, baby girl," Camilla answered, "But I'm feeling much better. I think waking up to my two favorite girls cured me of whatever I had."

Evie giggled at her Mama's comment before laying contentedly on the woman's chest. 

"So what do we wanna do today?" Lucia asked the pair beside her as they cuddled. 

"Let's eat ice cream for breakfast!" Evie shouted with a giggle.

"Very funny, Evie girl," her Mommy answered sarcastically.

The trio spent a moment thinking before Camilla broke the silence with an idea that peaked all of their interests.

"Beach day?"

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