12- Villain

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"Not all people are born equal."

That's what Izuku would always say.

I was born equal. But that was taken away.

Have you ever been... exceptional? Amazing? Yeah. I was. I was exceptional, I was amazing. I was everything anyone could ever have wanted.

Powerful quirk, fairly good looking, powerful quirk, smart, powerful quirk... did I mention the powerful quirk?

Well, I want to tell you a story about how I lost everything due to one boy.

My name's Katsuki Bakugo, and this is the story of how my life got destroyed by a boy I once called my friend.


It all started after I got kidnapped.

I woke up in some musty old bar. Several villains sat on stools, laughing and talking amongst themselves. I looked around, trying to find out where exactly this bar was.

That's when i felt a cold hand on my shoulder. My gaze shifted back and was met by a pair of emerald green eyes. I recognized those eyes. Those eyes haunted my childhood.

Izuku Midoriya, the quirkless boy who went missing when I was seven.

I swallowed tightly, trying to wade through the thoughts that were now flooding my mind.

He's alive?

Why is he just staring?

What's going on?

I'm scared...

"Kacchan." That was all he said. It made me want to throw up. I looked down, trying to avoid his gaze. I noticed then that I was strapped back to a chair with quirk erasing bonds. Were they going to kill me? That's how it seemed...


"You recognize me. I thought you might've forgotten who I was. I wasn't very important in your life, was I?" Those words sent a small shock through me. I wasn't nice to him, but... he was still important in my life. Of course he was, he'd been my best friend for a long time!

"What am I doing here? Is this your doing?" I snapped, struggling against the restraints. Deku snickered and turned around, walking towards some crusty old guy with hands covering his body. I squirmed a bit, not sure what was going on.

"Shigaraki? What say we show Kacchan why we brought him here, hm?" My green-haired friend sang, lightly punching the crusty-ass man's shoulder. The man (Shigaraki? Was that his name?) nodded and stood up, staggering towards me. He looked extremely drunk.

"Katsuki Bakugo, you wannabe hero..." he murmured. Maybe it was just the way he was walking. He was clearly not drunk. "Hero, you call yourself? We saw you at the sports festival. That fury, that anger, that... villain-like disposition. You have lots of potential..."

"Hold up, hold up. Are you trying to convince me to join you all in this little bar-band?" I snorted and looked around. "What, are you guys some sort of villains? You guys sure do look the part." Shigaraki shook his head, and though there was a hand covering his face, I knew there was a sort of smirk on his lips.

"We're the League Of Villains. We're a whole lot more than a 'little bar-band'. We could have everything we want in the next two days if we wanted. We're strong. And we want strong people. Like you. You're the sort of person who can change the world," he said, spinning in a circle slowly. "We have so many people here who just want a better world. A world where hero society isn't so... stuck up." I snorted loudly.

"You're asking me to give up all my dreams for your stupid little villain troupe? Pfft, yeah right. Who would do that?" I laughed.

"I did," Deku replied, coming forward from behind Shigaraki. My words stuck in my throat, and all I could do was look at the guy. "I gave up pretty much everything to join the League. I mean, not that I had much after everything. You know, you telling me how worthless I was and how I was never going to become a hero. What was the point, anyway? I'd already lost all my dreams."

Bakudeku/Dekubaku OneShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora