5) The world ahead

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After a few days of walking they had finally departed from the friendly forest land which belonged to Elrond and they were heading towards the mountains.

They tried to avoid the main roads that's why it would take them longer to get to their destination...Mordor... if they could even made it there. Because let's not forget that there are spies of the evil everywhere and that's what Gandalf kept reminding them each and every day. Airen kept giggling with Merry and Pippin every time Gandalf would repeat it. In fact, He had said it so many times that they were now keeping score on how many times he had said it.
-No I win this one Merry , Pippin said. I was right he did say it 5 times today!
-Today isn't over Pip, Merry reminded him.
-You're just jealous I won! Airen what do you think???
Airen chuckled.
The truth is she was kinda becoming fond of them. They had such a liveliness she had never seen before and they were very happy with the journey no matter the destination. That might be tho because they are too stupid or too naive, Airen thought.

Each night the Fellowship would send out two to grab some wood for the fire the rest would cook the food and make the beds. Somehow Airen had managed not to be partnered with Legolas. With whom she had not exchanged a single word. They simply had managed to not even be near each other, Airen would be walking in front with the hobbits,Gandalf and the dwarf Gimli who shared a dislike for the elf just like her whereas Legolas would stay behind with Aragorn and Boromir and they would discuss about plans and fighting styles or whatever warriors discuss these days.

Unfortunately this day Airen was unlucky... well because...

-Alright Frodo and Sam you will cook today Boromir Gimli and Aragorn you make the beds and merry and pippin can join you, I will start the fire and I won't let you two start a fire ever again Mr Brandybuck and Took! Gandalf yelled.

-Oh and Airen and Legolas you go collect some wood. He added.

Airen's face dropped. Well, she had to face it she couldn't ignore him forever no matter how much she hated him.
She saw him approaching her with a serious face.
-I guess we should get started if we want to get this over with. He said. "Uhh for once we agree on something" Airen thought.

He gestured to her the woods and they started walking towards that direction.

They had gotten a bit away from camp when they started finding some dead branches. The forest was oak-brown and primitive. As they were walking they found a big stack of cut logs.
-It must belong to a farmer or something, she said.
-Well, I think he won't mind it if we take a few. He looked at her.
-That would mean stealing! She said angrily. It's wrong, I don't think we should do it. She crossed her arms.
He stared at her for some seconds,
-Look, we've been here for ages and we haven't found anything else. The fellowship is waiting for us to bring the woods. Would you leave everyone waiting just because you don't want to take these logs? He asked sarcastically.
Airen was now furious, generally speaking what he asked her to do was wrong. Someone worked really hard to cut these woods and they were just gonna steal it from them. Her muscles tensed.
-Yeah just like your father left my people to die? She squinted her eyes.
Legolas clenched his fists and moved closer to her face.
-Don't mention my father ever. again.
They stared at each other for a few seconds.
Airen didn't like how close they were her leg was touching his and she could practically hear his breath.

As she was distracted thinking the proximity they had she took a step back but the floor wasn't so steady and she slipped falling down.
She fell on a bush while spraining her ankle.
Her hair got tangled into the leaves and she had a few scratches.
Legola's angry face changed into a worried one.

-Heyy are you alright? He said sounding a bit concerned while offering his hand to help her.

After staring at him for a few seconds she accepted his hand and tried to stand up but when she tried to put pressure on her wounded leg she flinched and fell on him.
He quickly supported her and helped her to stand.
-Are you hurt? He said while into her eyes.
Airen stared into his eyes and then her gaze slipped into his lips , now that was close proximity. She could feel his heart racing, fast. She quickly pulled away.
-I don't need your help! she pushed away from him. I'm just fine just sprained a bit my ankle a little right there. She said while pointing at her foot. He stared down at her,
-Fine. A thank you would have been enough you know. He replied now full staring at her not breaking eye contact.

Airen was feeling a
bit weird, why did he even care if she was okay?
She felt a little guilty for what she had said though in her mind she felt like she shouldn't feel that way. But another feeling made its appearance, when she was close to him she couldn't only feel his heart racing but also hers. That was an emotion she couldn't explain. Did she hate him that much? Maybe she did... maybe that's why she felt so flabbergasted when she was close to him.

He led her carefully to camp where they were greeted by the others.

-What happened? Sam asked , he was such a sweetheart always caring about others.

-Nothing just an incident, Airen sprained her ankle. Legolas said while placing the logs on the ground so that they could start a fire.
Airen sat down for a while while everyone else was preparing food or talking.
Aragorn noticed her looking sceptical and came and sat beside her.
-Is everything alright Airen? He asked.
-Yes just fine.
-Is your ankle alright? I can help you with that you know.
-No no I'm okay I'm just thinking...
-Of what?
-Change. She said while looking at Legolas who was sitting by the fire chatting with Frodo.

She quickly got up and started approaching them.
-Hey guys! Legolas do you mind having a bit of a chat.
-Sure, are you feeling better?
-Yes, that was nothing really, Airen chuckled, I just well I wanted to apologise, I shouldn't have told the thing with your father. I totally crossed the line.
-It's okay , I forgive you. You know, you're not the person I thought you were Airen Thalin.
He said while smiling.
-Oh really? She teased him. Then who am I? They both giggled.

Aragorn and Gandalf were watching them from behind. That sure wasn't a friendship they had expected.


I really hope you liked this chapter!! I finally got Legolas and Frodo to talk in the end. It's a bit funny because they've never even shared a word in the trilogy. Isn't that crazy?? So I got the situation in hands and finally had them talk . Anyways do you like the tension so far? Don't get too happy with these two now becoming friends because there's a storm coming!
Also I haven't updated in months and probably won't for a while too but I'll try! Winter break is here so maybe I'll manage to write some more chapters, thanks for reading and Maerry Christmas!!!

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Dec 26, 2023 ⏰

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