4) The journey begins

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The next day Airen woke up quite early as she had to prepare for the journey, she didn't know how long it would take or what would she need to pack with her. To be honest, this was a suicide mission but she didn't regret signing up for it.

She got dressed in her elvish uniform which was dark green with some brown details and leaves were drawn near the chest. The best thing was that it had millions of pockets for her to put her daggers in. She did have an inordinate obsession with them.

As she was packing a small backpack she soon realised she needed to go to Arwen's room to take the cloak that she had lent her. She was running a bit late so she quickly made her way to Arwen's dorms without paying attention to the people around her.
Suddenly she bumped into something or more like someone. She stumbled back only to see that the one person she didn't want to see was right in front of her, Legolas.
- Oh... It's you. She said while staring into his dark eyes.
- Watch where you're going next time alright? He said sarcastically while giving her a cocky smile.
- Yeah whatever..., Airen replied while pushing him on the shoulder in order to go to Arwen's room. "Yeah watch were you're going next time huhh" she mocked under her breath, "what a dick. He was the one who even fell on me anyways."

After saying her last goodbyes to her elvish friends it was time to go. But what hurt the most was saying goodbye to her best friend Arwen.
-Be careful out there all right? And take care of Aragorn for me. Arwen said with a smile.
-Yes I will...
-And don't get into trouble, Arwen interrupted her, I know how you always get yourself into it.
-Yes yes I won't, even though I have a bad feeling for that Mirkwood elf what was his name again? Legolas?
-Yes that's his name, don't worry Airen sometimes even our worst enemies surprise us.
-Yeah right we'll see about that. Airen replied. The two best friends gave a warm hug and said their farewells.

And with that Airen went to the gates where the fellowship were. Elrond with some other elves were waiting to say goodbye to the fellowship. There was a heavy atmosphere and not a smile in sight.
"Look not too far ahead! But go now with good hearts! Farewell, and may the blessing of Elves and Men and all Free Folk go with you. May the stars shine upon your faces!' 'Good... good luck!" Elrond gave his blessing.

Many others of Elrond's household stood in the shadows and watched them go, bidding them farewell with soft voices. There was no laughter, and no song or music. At last they turned away and faded silently into the dusk. They crossed the bridge and wound slowly up the long steep paths that led out of the cloven vale of Rivendell; Airen shot a last glance at what had been her home for years, the place she grew up in and the place where she overcame her fears and grew into the woman she now was . little did she know that this would be the last time she would be looking at it. The Last Homely House was twinkling below her and the fellowship strode away far into the night.

This is a short chapter but I just had to cut it there. Just wait for the next one cause there will be some tension 😉

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