1) The prancing pony

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Part 1: "The prancing pony"

The night had fallen and stars had started to appear in the sky when Airen made her way to a little village called Bree. Her horse or as she called her Medina was tired. And she and Airen needed rest for their journey back home to Rivendell. Airen standed in front of the big wooden gates of Bree , she took a deep breath and knocked on them.
An old rusty man opened the doors and standed right in front of her:
"What business does a young lady like you have in Bree and why are you here wandering all alone in the night?"
He shouted suspiciously.
"That is not of your concern" Airen replied

"Well excuse me if I sounded a bit harsh but these days some really strange visitors have passed through here. And you always have to be careful, if you understand "
"Yes of course" Airen replied.
"You may pass, have a lovely accommodation"
"Thank you!" She said and moved into the village as the gates opened. As she passed through the almost empty streets she could feel eyes in her back, watching her every step, but she was used to it, a girl alone in the dark who is dressed like an elf but does not quite appear like one is a strange sight for sure.

She was running late, she had gone to a mission and had gathered some serious information for Gandalf. He had told her to meet at the prancing pony, an inn located near the east door of Bree, and that a hobbit would be there too. She got closer and gazed at the three stories tall building which had light and noise of singing coming out of the windows. As she opened the door of the Inn she saw the one and only Barliman Butterbur the owner of the Inn. Airen knew that man as she had stayed at the Inn a lot of times, he was also a friend of Gandalf which made him a friend of hers too. They locked eyes and she felt his heart panicking as If he had seen a ghost. He quickly rushed to greet her .
"Good evening mr Butterbur!"Airen said with a warm smile.
"Miss Rass, (that was a fake name she had given because the name Thalin sounded too grisha and it could reveal her true identity),I'm so glad you arrived but I have concerning news for you. "She could hear the unease in his voice and the turbulence in his heart as if she would be mad at him for these news.
"Please let's offer you a hot meal and go talk to a more private place. "
"Alright! A hot meal sounds great! "She commented.
After the meal, Butterbur led Airen to a small room where in the center were placed a table with a light candle and two wooden chairs. Airen sat in the chair and observed him as he double checked who was outside the door and then closed the curtains of the window. She could feel a sudden fear provoke him.
"What is going on Barliman? You look stressed. "
"The thing is miss Raas that yesterday four hobbits arrived, one was named Gamgee the others Took, Brandybuck and Baggins", Airen's eyes lit. She had heard that name before ,it was the hobbit she was supposed to meet with Gandalf, this Baggins possessed a very precious object that needed to be brought to Rivendell but what was it she didn't know.
"What happened to them Butterbur? Are they safe? "
The man hesitated, "I'm so sorry Airen but I did what I could to make them stay an other night until Gandalf or you arrived but I'm afraid they left with.... "
"With who?? "Airen yelled with fear of the enemy having taken them.
"This filthy man named Striderr!!"
Airen sighed in relief as she heard that name or more like that nickname the residents of Bree had given to her dear friend Aragorn.
"Do not worry they are safe with Strider", she exclaimed with a look fo relief in her face, "but why did they leave at such a hurry?"
"That was the next thing I was about to tell you, they were hunted by black riders, I saw them once yesterday and I thought my blood would freeze, sudden terror possessed me. "
"Nazgûls" , Airen whispered. They were the number one enemies of the Grisha as their wounds couldn't be healed by their magic. "I have to go and find them and help them the enemy is upon them" , she shouted
"They left on foot yesterday morning .With your horse you'll be able to catch them."
"Yes , that's what I'll do",Airen thought. "But first I have to rest ,I'll leave tomorrow morning."

As Airen was trying to fall asleep her mind kept wandering, deep in her heart she could feel that this was no ordinary mission, the energy had shifted and a serious quest was about to begin.

The next morning she woke up early when the light had made its appearance. She ate breakfast , said her goodbyes to Butterbur, got into her horse and left as quickly as she could.


Author's note: Heyy I know this chapter isn't much but I'm planning on Airen to arrive on Rivendell on Chapter 3 and there she will meet Legolas so just have a little patience!

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