The Party

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We woke up bright and early the next day, and it was time to prepare for Everest's birthday party

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We woke up bright and early the next day, and it was time to prepare for Everest's birthday party. It was scheduled for 2:00 in the afternoon, and it's going to last until the sun goes down if everything goes according to plan.

Almost everyone was awake by the time Chase and I headed over to the lookout together. We huddled together, and tried to decide what everyone would do to help prepare. Everyone but Rocky was really pumped. He had recently been rejected by Everest, and he had despised her ever since. It was a surprise to me that he was even attending the party in the first place.

We decided that Chase and I would be in charge of buying a cake from the store. I had never been in a grocery store before, so I completely relied on Chase. Damn, why did we leave this for the last day?

The others left to do whatever they were gonna do, and Chase and I took his cruiser to the grocery store. We arrived ten minutes before the store opened, so we sat outside for a while. "I'm tired." Chase yawned. "Oh, trust me, carrying around thee extra pups is REALLY tiring," I responded, my eyelids heavy. "I was so tired last week, I tried drinking coffee. It was so bad, do yourself a favour and never try it." Chase gagged at the thought. "I've tried it before, and I 100% agree, I have no idea why anyone would willingly drink that."

We went back and forth on light subjects like that until the store opened. We ran around the entire empty store, or Chase ran, and I walked. We eventually found the bakery, and we looked for the perfect cake to give to Everest. We both eventually settled on a  double decker baby blue cake with white icing. Everything was going well until we proceeded to the checkout. "And your total will be $61.32." The cashier said, obviously bored. I almost jumped. Sixty one dollars for a cake. Inflation sucks. Luckily, I had Ryder's credit card so there was no need to worry about that.

Chase carried the cake out of the store, almost dropping it a few times. Luckily, Marshall wasn't here to knock it over, and Chase eventually reached his cruiser. He carefully placed it in the trunk, and we drove home very slowly, in order to keep it upright. We couldn't afford a mistake, we had already spent way too much money.

Upon arriving back at the lookout, Ryder gave us suspicious looks. Chase handed him back the credit card, and hoped he wouldn't ask how expensive it was. But, that was exactly what happened. "Did you guys walk into the store and pick out the most expensive cake you could find?" He asked, sarcastically. "Uh, no," Chase chuckled. "There were far more expensive cakes than that one. Okay, that was a lie. "Well good thing we have good ol' PAW Patrol merchandise." Ryder crossed his arms, proud that he was so wealthy at such a young age.

We had some time on our hands after that, and I was still really tired, so I went to lay down in Chase's pup house. I didn't ask him to join me, but I knew I didn't have to. He followed me. "You want some company?" He asked. "As long as you're the company." I responded, smiling.

3 Hours Later

I woke up from my third nap this week, feeling a lot more energized and refreshed than before. It was probably almost time to go, so I woke up Chase, and we headed inside. "Pups, it's time to go!" Ryder announced as soon as we entered the lookout. Guess we woke up in the nick of time.

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