Kushi smiled - Aarav is like that only. Back at home, there is no one like here. So Me and Arnav ji keep talking with him about everything. You know..... Just like how we converse with a friend. Slowly slowly, he started listening and then he started understanding things. And me not Arnav ji hide anything from him. He is our best friend.

Everyone smiled listening her words. True.... Children are like a soft clay and it's in parents hands to mold them into a beautiful toy. They behave same what they vision.... Kushi and Arnav has great understanding of this fact.

Renu - Means you must have told him that you are pregnant also....

Kushi smiled nodding her head - I told him that he is a big brother now.

Renu looked at her surprised - You really told that little kid that your are pregnant..... ?

Kushi - Everyone's parenting is different in its own way. Me and Arnav ji are like this. We believe that he should know what's happening in our lives.

Renu - What that little kid will understand beta ?

Kushi - Whether he understands or not.... We say him everything. Because he is our one and only 'go to person'.

Aarav till then came down with his Dada trailing behind him carrying his Elephant designed bag ' Lala ' with him.

Aarav - Muma....

Kushi - Ah.... Come come.....

He handed lala to his mumma who opened it and took out some drawing book and colour pencils and gave that to him. Aarav quietly sat beside his mumma leaning on her comfortably and started colouring the picture.

NK - Is this his Lala ?

Arnav - He loves elephants. That's why he insisted on buying this bag.

Aakash and Payal looked at the couple and imagined themselves raising their baby with Such good behaviour like Arnav and Kushi. But as Kushi said Everyone's parenting is different.....

Kushi took his other book and started colouring it. The Duo exclaimed as they finished coloring their picture. And Arnav too joined them assisting them in giving their asked colors for painting sitting on the floor.

Oh how much Raizada family has missed. They have missed seeing such  happiness of their Arnav's life. Now only happy tears came seeing him with his wife and son.

After completing Dinner and putting Aarav to sleep, Arnav and Kushi slowly trailed on poolside.

Arnav wrapped his one arm around her waist and his other hand held one of her hands. Kushi held him tightly and tried walking.

Kushi - Arnav ji....

Arnav - Hmm.....

Kushi - I wish to go for a long drive....

Arnav - Your Doctor will hang me upside down.

Kushi laughed as she remembered the Doctor's face.

Kushi - She also told to take care of me properly.

Arnav - I guess that's what I am doing now.

Kushi pulled his cheeks and he laughed at her antics.

Arnav - Kushi

Kushi - Hmm....

Arnav - I love you....

Kushi smiled silently. Arnav sat on the recliner and made her sit on his lap.

Arnav - And promise me.... Whatever may be the reason, you will not put yourself at stake.

As Kushi sensed his low tone she cupped his cheek.

Kushi - Arnav ji.... Iam so sorry.

Arnav - Throw your sorry in that stupid dustbin and promise me that you will take care of yourself.... Because this life of your's is not only yours. It's belongs to me.... Mine, Aarav's and our little baby's. And you don't have any rights to bring harm to it.

Kushi saw tears in his eyes and kissed his forehead - I promise. I will be safe.... For you, our Aarav and your little princess.

Arnav chuckled and rested his forehead against her's - I thought you will forget me just like how I forget everything after my accident.

Kushi looked at him amused and burst into laughter and Arnav joined her later.

Moving away she looked at him - You are really unbelievable....

Arnav - It happened with me Jaan.... Iam ought to imagine such things.

Kushi comfortably leaned on his chest - What if I really forgot ?

Arnav pretended thinking - I would come and kiss you and tell you that Iam your husband.

Kushi - Hmmm.... You think I would let some stranger kiss me ?

Arnav - Iam not a stranger for you in this birth. Not even if the whole world screem....

Kushi wrapped her arms around her - Right..... You will be my Husband and no body in this world can change that.....

As they both stayed silent for a minute, Arnav kept his palms on her stomach and caressed it assuring his little one that he/she is safe. Kushi moved a bit from him.....

Kushi - Arnav ji.... I am feeling sleepy....

Arnav smirked - Go and sleep....

Kushi pouted smacking his arms - Lift me and take me to bed.

Arnav - Ab sharam nahi aati aapko ? (Now aren't you feeling shy ? ) No... Actually you were getting shy before.

Kushi - Nahi lagti.... Now lift me. Iam not able to sit. My back is aching.

Arnav - awe..... Come.... Let's go to bed.

He lifted her and walked inside their room and making her lay on her side. He went to the other side and tucked Aarav with pillows and went and laid beside Kushi and massaged her back.

Kushi closed her eyes and slept in no minute. Arnav who was looking at her too slept after few minutes.

Jaan-E-Mann. Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin