8 | Krishna revealed truth

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"Don't argue Govind", complained Gauri..

Karna seemed impatient...Kauravas and Gandhar Raj were baffled with Gauri's rude approach...In Dwaparyug and didn't interrupt in between the conversations, Gauri did the unthinkable...Bhishma Pitamah seemed uncomfortable and disappointed..

Bhishma glared at Gauri and stated,"You can discuss later Rajkumari...This isn't the right time.."

Gauri ignored Pitamah's words, looked at Krishna and headed towards her room with him...After a moment, Angraj stood up and followed them from behind..A series of gossips broke out in the dining room...

After reaching her room, she looked at Krishna and asked,"Why am I here Govind? Answer me..."

Krishna seemed tensed and stated,"You are here because you should be...This is where you belong to.."

Gauri was in disbelief..She questioned,"How? I lived with Guruma in Kaliyuga..How is it possible?"

Krishna's demeanor turned serious..He replied,"That was a blunder from devatas...Your destiny was to be born from Yagya as Maharaj Drupad's daughter with the same time as Draupadi..But rather you transcended time and reached Kaliyuga because devata couldn't handle your tremendous energy..This is the reason you had to be kept under the surveillance of Guruma for 20 years until you and your energy was ready to ascend into Dwaparyuga....Sakhi you were never born..."

Gauri turned pale...She couldn't process the words her sakha Krishna had uttered...Her world seemed like shattering into pieces...She cried,"So I never had a family Govind?" Gauri's tears fell uncontrollably..Her eyes were red...

Krishna smiled and replied,"No Sakhi...Maharaj Drupad is your father...Draupadi and Shikhandini are your sisters.. Drishtdyum is your brother...Nobody can change this truth...You are the Rajkumari of Panchal, my Panchali...You will have to accept your fate sakhi..."

Gauri fell on the floor and cried....She continuously repeated,"No this can't be true...You are lying Govind...I want to go back to my old life.."

Krishna couldn't see her sakhi in pain...He approached towards her and replied,"Calm down sakhi...Those people in Kaliyuga have forgotten your existence..This is how maya works...The moment you transcendeded into Dwaparyuga, your maya removed your memories from their life... Your powers got activated....Forget them and follow your dharma..You are the foundation of dharma in Aryavarta..."

Gauri wiped her tears and asked,"But what would be my role Govind?"

Krishna smiled and said,"Time will tell sakhi...But right now I must inform you that Maharaj Drupad and entire Kampilya is worried about you..Their entire workforce is searching for you..After all, their Panchali is missing.." Krishna chuckled...

Gauri gasped and exclaimed,"What? I completely forgot about them..But Maharaj ordered me to leave Kampilya...I upsetted him.."

Krishna laughed and replied teasingly, "Seems like you are really good in upsetting people in Dwaparyuga sakhi...Pitamah also seemed disappointed from you.." He continued laughing..

"Govind !!", said Gauri pretending to be offended but then joined her sakha in laughter....

"We should inform Panchal Naresh that his Panchali is safe with me in Hastinapur..Right Gauri?", Krishna asked...

Gauri nodded in agreement..

Angraj Karna overheard everything and left...Krishna and Gauri arrived in dining room...Pitamah looked displeased... Duryodhan seemed curious..

Gandhari asked,"What happened Vasudeva?"

Krishna teasingly glanced at Gauri and replied,"Mata Gandhari, this sakhi of mine left the palace after an argument with Maharaj Drupad and arrived at Hastinapur to meet me without informing her family about it... That's why she was worried and wanted my suggestion.."

Draupadi's Twin From Kaliyuga •MAHABHARATA TIME TRAVEL•Where stories live. Discover now