Chapter Five - An Angel With The Piano

Start from the beginning

And as expected, Hoseok just smiles at him, looking apologetic. “Sorry, Jimin-ah. I have to go somewhere. Maybe next time, yeah?”

Jimin just nods, not really planning on stopping Hoseok this time because he has a plan. “Okay, Hyung. We’ll practice next time. I’ll see you around!” he exclaims, waving at Hoseok, who’s already making his way out of the door and waving at him too.

Jimin waits for a few seconds before he rushes out of the room as well, sighing in relief when he sees that Hoseok hasn’t gotten far yet. He follows Hoseok close enough not to lose him but far enough not to be noticed. He’s pretty good at this. He can move fast without making too much noise that would get him caught.

He follows Hoseok as Hoseok makes his way to what seems like the music department. He must be meeting Kim Namjoon - Jimin thinks to himself. Hoseok is in charge of negotiating with Kim Namjoon for the song the club needs, after all. Maybe Jimin was just overthinking things. Maybe Hoseok is just coming here to do his job as the dance captain.

Jimin is starting to feel guilty for doubting Hoseok. He’s here, thinking about Hoseok keeping secrets from him when the guy is just on official duty, as responsible as always. But he keeps on following Hoseok anyway. He’s already here. He might as well stay until he sees Kim Namjoon or whoever Hoseok is meeting, so this stalking would be fruitful.

Hoseok makes his way to a room - the music club, according to the signs by the door. Hoseok opens the door, and instantly, there’s another person right in front of him, but this person is significantly smaller than Hoseok, so Jimin unfortunately couldn’t see the person’s face. Jimin watches as Hoseok leans forward to pull the person into a hug. Then the door closes behind them, forbidding Jimin from seeing anything else and drowning him in curiosity.

And so Jimin turns his phone on and searches for Kim Namjoon on social media. But as he finds Namjoon’s photos, he realizes very quickly that the guy is tall as hell and he couldn’t possibly be the person Hoseok is meeting. That person is a lot smaller than Hoseok. Could it possibly be a woman Hoseok is meeting? Perhaps he met her in the club after finding Kim Namjoon, so he’s visiting her whenever he has the time because he’s interested in her. That’s not impossible. Jimin and Hoseok never really talked about things like dating, so Jimin has no idea what Hoseok’s preferences are. Still, Jimin kind of just assumed that Hoseok would be like him - that he’d be interested in guys as well because he has that flamboyant flair around him, which is what made Jimin decide to get close to him in the first place. But, well, it’s never right to assume people’s sexualities, so Jimin shouldn’t even care too much about this. Hoseok is probably meeting a woman. Big deal. That really is none of Jimin’s business.

But Jimin is curious. He’s really, really curious. Maybe he should visit the music club one of these days. He just has to ease his curiosity. That’s all. He swears he’ll stop after that.


Jimin proceeds with his plan a few days later, during his break in between his classes. He makes his way to the music club and knocks gently on the door. When no one opens it after a few more tries, he finally decides to open it himself, slowly pushing the door open and peeking inside to see if he can talk to someone and ask if they know the person Hoseok has been visiting lately.

But Jimin doesn’t see anyone he can freely talk to. He must admit that this is a terrible time to visit the music club because most students have classes during this period.

Still, despite being unable to find someone to talk to, the music club isn’t completely empty. Because right there on the piano is a man playing so beautifully that Jimin is instantly captivated.

The thought of the person Hoseok was meeting ultimately escapes Jimin’s mind. Suddenly, he’s not curious about that because he’s too busy staring at the person playing and listening to the beautiful sounds he’s making with the piano. He has his eyes closed, fully immersed in the music, and Jimin would feel like a creep for staring at him while he’s in this state if he wasn’t too busy not giving a fuck about anything else other than the way the man is playing the piano. It makes Jimin want to dance.

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