The Middle Finger of Fate

38 11 20

"Eeeeeeeee! Old Girl, I knew I ain't seen the last o' ya!"

Sally and Fredwina embraced, butterfly-colored wings entangling. Nearby, a dragon was napping.

"What the...we're bloomin' fairies?"

"Sal, shut it. This Dragon 'as sent us on a quest..."

" 'E wants toothpaste?"

" ...ta find a big finger. 'E dropped it inna pile o' poop."

"Clumsy bastard! I'll give 'im a finger!"

Slogging through mountains of shite, Sally squished while Fredwina swished.

"There it is!" cried Sally. The finger shot upwards and inwards.

Sally shivered. "Ooooooooooh! Aaaaah!"

"Cross yer unknickered legs, ya slag! Don't move. Boss, Sal's got it!"

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