14- Project : Lie

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Harmony did not sleep that night. In fact, she couldn't. She spent half of the night reading the archive of the "HP" project, before it began too much for her to take. When she couldn't bear reading it anymore, she found unknown forces in her legs that brought her to her own room. She crashed onto her bed, shaking heavily, as tears flowed endlessly. 

When all her tears had been used, and that she couldn't cry anymore, she stayed wide awake, laying on her bed and facing the celling, empty. That's how she felt. She had just found a home, and it turned out she was the biggest threat to the place that had just become  so dear to her. She had become a threat to the one who understood her so well. To the one she mustn't fall for. 

As morning came, Harmony still could not move from her bed. She did not want to. Yet, she knew Neteyam would come, but she hoped it would be one of his training day. She was lying to herself, because she knew he hadn't had training day for a long time now, as he spent every of his days with her. That made her clench her fists, with the little of forces that remained in her. He could not die because of her, he could not die at all. None of that could end. The majestic forest should remain the same. The villages all across pandora should not be bothered, they should stay in peace. The animals should not be hunted down by greedy humans, so many humans... That planet wouldn't survive to humans. 

And yet, Quadritch was back. In a new disguise, a new human body. None would recognize him, even her had been fooled. She had heard about how cruel he was. He had also used an avatar body previously, and she knew Neteyam along with the whole Sully family had almost died a second time because of him. He was enraged, he wanted his revenge, his two revenges. Now more than ever, he wanted to kill the Sullys. And she was supposed to help him do that. 

Lost in her thoughts, she heard somebody behind the door. 

-"Can't I just see her ?" somebody asked. 

-"At least knock at the door ! Who raised you ?" the bodyguard at the entrance of her bedroom answered. 

She recognized Neteyam's voice and decided to get up. She felt dizzy, but walked toward the door. She opened it slowly, a terrible feeling growing in her stomach. 

-"Hi." she weakly said. 

-"Are you okay?" Neteyam immediately asked, worried to see her with teary eyes and huge dark circles. 

-"I am, why ?" she dared to ask. It sounded ironic, but Neteyam could tell it was not. 

-"You've cried ?" he gently asked, getting down to face her. 

-"No." she said coldly. 

-"I can see you've cried Harmo-" he started before getting cut by the voice of the young girl before him. 

-"What do you even know about humans crying ?!" 

-"Well, I have been growing up with spider... It's okay to cry, Harmony."

- I am not crying, look, I am smiling." she said, a faint smile on her face, but her eyes began to fill with tears again. 

Without giving him any chance to answer, she locked herself into her bedroom, slamming the door so he doesn't enter. Her hand resting on the doorknob as she let her tears go silently. 

-"If you aren't crying, why are you sniffing ?" he softly said, behind the door.

-"I am not." she answered, her voice shaking a bit. 

He sat against her door, as the bodyguard took some distance. 

-"Do you want to talk about it ?" he said after a little moment of silence. 

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