11- Project : training

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Harmony had been on Pandora for a month already, and a lot had gone on ever since. Neteyam, busy with his warrior duty, had trouble finding time for her at the beginning. However, then, he began to come see her more and more often. He would come at night, or take her out during the day. Harmony would often go out at night, fully knowing she was not allowed to, but always finding a way to meet him. 

When they met at the spaceship, Neteyam would be closer to her, acting like a "couple", as they said. Harmony, at first, found it weird, and would laugh slightly. When they would arrive outside, she would quickly go far from him. Until one day, when he started curling his tail around her small body. Around her leg, her arm or her waist. That did not make her laugh. Her only response was a faint smile, faint but sincere, which Neteyam had seem to like since that night, he had not been able to sleep before a long time. 

Harmony liked Neteyam being around her. He was much more sympathetic than anyone on that ship. All she knew ever since she was born was how she needed to be strong, smart, pretty, nice, and obey the rules. She was the only hope for Pandora. The only hope for humans, they said. She always felt as if she was messing things up, not being enough. 

With him, learning wasn't like anything she had known. He was patient, but demanding. Yet, he would encourage her. Even when she was scared, though she wouldn't show it, he would come with her and show her that she didn't risk anything. In most cases, she did actually risk something, but she was with Neteyam. He wouldn't let her be killed. Injured, perhaps with a few bruises. 

Neteyam liked Harmony. She learned fast, and wasn't afraid of making mistake. For a human, she was pretty tough. Not as agile as Spider, but she could become like him. She could adapt. Occasionally, Neteyam already had had the occasion to train young warrior, but with a human, it was his first time, beside training with Spider. 

It was one of those days where both would meet to train, except that this time, Neteyam had arrived quite early at the spaceship. As he walked through the corridors, Harmony was nowhere to be seen. The scientists around him gave some weird look, more to show curiosity than to be mean to him, and Neteyam was actually curious as well. He never really spent time with the scientists at the labs, and the scientists of the spaceship were scientists he had never met before. 

Neteyam, as a three meter tall blue being, was not that discreet in such a tiny space. The spaceship was spacious for human, but incredibly narrow for a na'vi. He tried to be as careful as possible, not to break something, such as those complex computers and machine he could see around. 

On the other side of the spaceship, a tall man was watching him through the screen of the camera. It was him. The man in charge of the mission, of the pandora colonization plan. He was looking at him with strange interest. His hand reached for a button, controlling a few doors. He opened one from a corridor Neteyam was about to reach, as if it was to tell him to go that way. A smile formed on the face of the man. 

Neteyam, clueless that he was being observed, kept discovering his surroundings, in search for his friend. He hoped they were somehow friends by now. He knew that, for now, all he did was teaching him the na'vi ways, which had been particularly funny, but that he was supposed to seduce her. He was not convinced by the idea, but at least it didn't seem as terrible as it did when they had first met. Harmony had a lot of flaws. So did him, he thought. Yet, through their training session, he had discovered a resilient and joyful woman. She was far from being as strong as a na'vi, and would certainly be way less useful than an actual female na'vi... Why was he agreeing to marrying her already ? 

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