7- Project : Learning

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-"Neteyam ?" she blurted out. 

-"You seem surprised to see me. You do know that I live on this planet, right ?"

-"Yeah, but not on that ship, for all I know." she said, a look of curiosity in her eyes. "So why are you here ?" 

-"Since you were not coming to the forest, I assumed I had to drag you there myself." 

-"The genius did not guess I did not know the forest and could have gotten lost, all alone ?" she asked, grinning. She remembered that the man in charge of the mission could hear them, and that she was supposed to... seduce him. 

-"I forgot you were a tiny little human. Instead of complaining, let's go, don't you want to ?" he responded. His answers seemed playful, almost as if he had guessed they could be listened to, and wanted to play along. Or perhaps he was just teasing her for fun. 

-"I guess it won't kill me... Or maybe it will, apparently everything is dangerous. But well... apparently I also have a "mighty warrior" with me, or so I've heard." 

-"Keep teasing me and I'll leave you all by yourself in the forest."  he answered, as they began to walk to the exit of the spaceship. 

Once they arrived outside, Harmony took a deep breath, stunned by the view. Even if she could only see the outside of the forest for now, she still was speechless. 

-"You like what you see ? You know, if you actually enter the forest, it is even better." he asked, trying to sound playful to compensate for the last time they met. 

-"What happened to you, Neteyam?" she said, and he noticed she was still saying his name wrongly.

-"What do you mean?" 

-"You're acting as if we were friends." she told him. 

-"Isn't that what you asked for ?"

-"I told you to follow your heart, not to become a whole new person." 

-"I am trying to be sympathetic. You should try, I am sure it would suit you." his honesty made her laugh a little bit. Realizing she had not been the nicest to him, without even knowing him, she decided to give it a try. It couldn't hurt her. 

-"Fine, you're right. We should maybe try to get to know each other, what do you think ?" 

-"Neteyam Sully" he said, introducing himself again. 

-"I already know your name, silly." she smiled.

-"Yet you still pronounce it wrong, Harmony." he insisted on her name, fully knowing it didn't sound like the way she pronounced it.

-"You're not any better, Neteyam." she insisted too, as they were still standing at the entrance of the forest.

-"It's Neh-teh-yam. Stress that second syllable for eywa's sake." 

-"Alright, Neh-teh-yam. And it is Har-mo-nee. Stop over pronouncing that damn R." 

-"I get it. Well, are we gonna stay the whole day staring at the entrance of the forest or are you gonna enter the dangerous forest ?" he asked her, jokingly insisting on the word "dangerous". 

-"The last one there loses !" she said as she began to ran toward the forest, leaving Neteyam alone. 

-"You'll get lost by yourself !" he shouted to her as she was getting further into the forest. She had waited so long before seeing such beauty.

- "Damn, she really is stubborn." he said to himself, before going after her and quickly catching up as Na'vi were definitely faster than humans, which surprised Harmony a bit when she saw him by her side. 

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